DOpusrt.exe /CMD synced (not returning until finished?)

Hi guys!

Is there any chance I can make dopusrt.exe "wait" or not return for as long as it executes the DO command I passed to it? I run script commands from "outside", but I never know when the action has finished, since dopusrt.exe always returns immediately.

Another question, since dopusrt.exe also does not allow return values and console output which makes interacting with DO internals even more "numb": Will there be access to the DOpus scripting API from outside of DO anywhen?

Thank you! o)

DOpusRT /CMD, when run from outside of Opus, is always async at the moment.

What is it that you're doing that needs it to be sync? There may be other ways to do the same thing, or we may be able to add them.

We don't currently have any plans to make the Opus scripting API available from outside of Opus. It's a possibility, but not currently on the roadmap.

The synced call would be handy for several situations I encountered in the past. Running multiple DO commands in batch-style, where each command depends on the result (and finish state) of the previous, is one of them. Set DO variables or set DO console logging on/off, run a command.. and another, then reset to normal and continue the external batch.

I also trigger check-ins and outs from various places with the help of the TFS source control script-addin I made for DO. I use it daily, but you never know when files are successfully saved back to the "source-safe". The following prints nice "checkin done" to the console of Editplus or Powershell-ISE, but because it's instant, the message is useless and even wrong. CheckIn can take 10s and longer or I still might be editing the checkin-comment in the scripted DO dialog that comes up.

$void = dopusrt.exe /cmd TFS CHECKIN ITEMS="$(powershell foo)"; write-host "CheckIn finished, you may close the file now."
But honestly, using dopusrt.exe feels like a hack most of the time, especially because of the "muted" nature (no returns, no console output). There are so many useful things in the DO api, addins and columns, it's a bummer all this is locked down to be used from buttons only. I'd be happy to use the hashing, FSUtil, string decoding or binary file reader outside of DO for example. Interacting with DOs internal and user contributed capabilities directly from WSH, PHP or Powershell (can also use COM) would create a much tighter integration and get around all the dopusrt.exe limitations.

So that's why I added the public scripting interface question to my actual problem, I could not help! o)

Is TFS check-in using all those Opus APIs? I'm not very familiar with TFS but figure it would just need some external commands to be run to do a checkin.

dopusrt.exe is not designed for this kind of thing so it's not the way to go.