Download manual pdf for 13.1?

Will there be a pdf manual we can download for 13.1? Thanks.

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No pdf manual, only online manual.

There isn't currently a PDF version of the manual. We'd like to make it an option in the future, but we haven't got to that yet, and need to look into the best way to do it with the new wiki-based documentation system.

The links at the top-right of the forum still point to the Opus 12 manual, but we'll be updating them.


Maybe this could be considered:
When user boots dopus first time a "Welcome to Directory Opus" dialog appears.
(The one with the check boxes: Explorer replacement, run when windows starts,...)

In that dialog add that [F1] will always take you to the online help and that for now there will not be a chm/pdf.
(Or on the homepage of the online help state that help will only by online for now?)

There are several suggestions about the help module of dopus that I hope to adopt:

  1. The online help uses English by default. Can language switching or language translation be added to help users of different languages ​​understand and become familiar with dopus better, faster and more conveniently?
  2. Can the online help be added? Add discussion function, dopus is now very large and cannot cover everything. The descriptions of some commands or operations are not clear enough and there are too few examples, which causes trouble for novice friends, especially non-programmer users like me.
  3. Dopus has now upgraded its update strategy, and updates are more frequent, but the online help is not updated in time, and there are many commands. I can't find the operation in the help, so I can only ask in the forum.
  4. Can you sort out the most common problems that users have and put them in the online help so that users can solve them themselves when they encounter these problems?

Web browsers have translation built-in these days, which should do the same job.

Tell us which pages need improving and we can do it. Although we are focusing on going through all the feedback from new users (and still finishing parts of the manual, updating FAQs, etc.), so any large changes will need to wait.

Which operation can't you find? (Better to ask in a separate thread, though.)

Since this is the last huge update where we hold back features for years before release, it's also the last time there will be a huge manual update that takes time to finish. We are already updating the manual as we make new changes; it's just some older (to us; still new in version 13) changes that aren't all caught up, although most of the important details should be there now.

That's what the FAQs and rest of the forum are for.

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Leo, I would like to support very strongly the importance of an eventual PDF version of the DOpus13 manual. It is particularly important now with all the new things that have appeared with DOpus13, and the reorganisation.

With all software, I can find most things that I need much more quicky with the PDF manual, and in the course of that searching, I often find significant interrelationships that I didn't know about. The constant jumping around with all the disconnected sections of online Help never delights me.

I do understand, however, that such a thing does not appear by magic, and that simply holding the ship together in the face of all the Windows updates — and all our constant posting — must be a truly massive job.

With much searching of the Forum, FAQ, and Preferences, I have now sorted out most of the things that got broken in the update, and I will post the few remaining things separately, as the Forum requires.

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I'd like to toss in my +1 for a downloadable manual.

I'm wanting to have the manual stored locally on my PC so that I can use VS Code Ai extension "phind" to reference the manual locally so that I can write better scripts.

A PDF file might not be the best format for that. A collection of text files might be more suitable.

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I would also very much like a downloadable manual. I personally like to have printouts of all the reference material. Even with all the annotating and highlighting browser extensions there are, nothing beats good old sticky notes and highlighter markers.