Download of Dırectory Opus 9


I was using dopus 9 for years. And I had to change my computer. Now I see that I cannot download dopus9 anymore:(

I was happy with it..

Is there any link that I can download dopus?


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If you don't mind getting it from me, I can share it. I have both 32bit and 64bit installer for version

Though I'm not sure about the integrity whether it was corrupted or not. The md5 for both are as given:

DOpusInstall    C3D2A0613930246DB918FF7A60A3292C
DOpusInstall64  495118D3FA32E4080517A12561E5C439
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I would love to:) Thanks:) Can you send me the links?
I prefer 64bit..
I will definitely store it in google drive:)

Have a great day...

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You can check the digital signatures on the installers, but those MD5s look correct based on my own personal Opus Museum:

Note that not all aspects of Opus 9 will work correctly with newer versions of Windows. Explorer Replacement may do some weird things, in particular, as the way it works has had to be changed over the years. (Unless you are still running Windows XP as well; then Opus 9 will be fine, but the OS itself will pose bigger problems. :))


Could you send the DO9 setups to me as well (32+64bit)? o)
Maybe 2 emails, so attachment size will not be an issue?
DO9 setup size probably was much smaller back in the days, you decide.

Thank you! o)

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I got the package.. Thanks again..

Have a great day:)

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I know about digital signatures but for some reason, never thought about using them as ways to verify their validity in absence of md5. Although checksum of the entire file does have its uses too. Thanks!

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Thank you very much! o) I'm done! o)

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The "www2" page you link to is an old version of the site. (I'm not sure why it's still online, but it's best ignored.)

I can upload the Opus 9 installer if you really need it, but note that Opus 9 probably won't work correctly on any version of Windows that it would make sense or be safe to use online today, so I'm not sure it's a good idea unless you're building a retro gaming PC that won't ever be connected to the internet or something niche like that.

Edit: Actually, looking at it, later versions of Opus 9 will work on Windows 7, I guess. It's still 10+ years old at this point, though.

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I have a backup copy of DOpus 9 available if you still require it (DOpusInstall64_9560.exe).

I can put it in my Dropbox public folder for downloading.

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I've sent you a link to my Public Dropbox folder.

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Any chance you can send me a link for Dopus 9?I have not kept a copy and can't find it anywhere to download.

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Link sent via private message.

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I would love to have it in my mail, x64 version please :heart_eyes:

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Hi Kulow, I have sent you a message with a link to the x64 version.

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Hi, I would like the x64 version of Directory Opus 9 please, my email :

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Hi snoopi9, I have sent you a message with a link to the x64 version. You will need a valid license file to run it.

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I would also love a copy of Dopus 9 X64 . . . still runs fine in windows 7 but crashed the laptop and have to reinstall. Thanks!!!

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I've sent you a link to V9.5.6.0 x64 DOpus via private message.

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