Drag and drop files only

I hsve been trying to create a crtl-drag & drop command to merge the files from one directory into another without success.

copy MOVE "{filepath}*" to={sourcepath} moves the file(s) to the parent directory, not the folder under the mouse. Could someone please get me a tip?


I'm afraid I'm not following what you're trying to do. If you simply want to copy (or move) files from one folder to another, there are several ways to do so without creating a custom button. One way is to set up a dual pane lister where you select the files you want to copy or move in the source, and then drag and drop them to the destination pane (holding down CTRL if you want to copy them).

I have directories all containing downloads I want to combine. I want to drag a directory's files into another directory instead of moving that folder into the other folder. For example:

folder a>

folder b>

would result in
folder a>
file1 thru file4

instead of

folder a>
folder b
file 3
file 4

I don't need to do multiple folder support or I could just make a control drag drop do this.


So you want to drag a folder and have it move the contents of the folder instead of the folder itself?

yes--that's what I was doing a poor job of describing. In effect it would merge the files of the directory being dragged into another directory.

Ok, you were very close. Actually all you need to do is take out the TO bit from your command, eg:

copy MOVE "{filepath}\*"

Stick this on the ctrl + d&d event for the All folders filetype, and away you go!

Works great. I'm assuming the "to" argument was defeating the position of the mouse.

Thanks. This will save me a lot of time.