Drag and Drop to external program

I was an avid Powerdesk user, and i really like Dopus so far, I use Ulead for editing my tv shows (pc-tivo stuff) and with explorer, i would drag and drop the file into the ulead time line, Dopus wont let me do that, Even though in Ulead it says "drag and drop file here box" I can right click on a mpg file and choose open with ulead, and that works, but it doest allow me to drop the file into the middle of a timeline.
Dopus 8.0.11
I see draging and dropping works for other types of files. Whats the secret?

This is quite strange since I can drop files from Opus to all my applications (e.g. mIRC, Photoshop, DevStudio, TextPad, etc.).

I asked Jon on IRC if Opus does anything unusual and it doesn't sound like it. Opus uses the usual CF_HDROP mechanism, except for files inside archives (Zip etc.) and FTP sites which cause Opus to use IStream instead.

It's possible that Ulead is expecting a particular drop format that Explorer provides but Opus doesn't. (When a file is dropped it can be offered in several formats simultaneously.) But this would mean that Ulead wouldn't allow drops from a lot of programs as the CF_HDROP method is the most common.

Or perhaps it's something slightly more stange... That's all I can think of, though.

Hi !

I tried it I think.
I dowloaded Ulead Video Studio 8 trial version to my Win98 SE system.

After a few restarts it worked for a while.
My system is great otherwise and Ulead claims it supports Win98.

It's a 133MB download and it did both Dopus drag and drop and Microsoft drag and drop while it worked.

It keeps erroring as:
VSTUDIO caused an invalid page fault in
module KERNEL32.DLL at 0197:bff9db61.
EAX=c00309c4 CS=0197 EIP=bff9db61 EFLGS=00210212
EBX=0875fe28 SS=019f ESP=0865fdf4 EBP=08660090
ECX=00000000 DS=019f ESI=00000000 FS=1977
EDX=bff76855 ES=019f EDI=bff79198 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
53 8b 15 e4 9c fc bf 56 89 4d e4 57 89 4d dc 89
Stack dump:

..... and keeps going with more of the same errors.

I use an old version of an Australian program called M1 - Edit.
It's quite expensive now and my version is all but obsolete.

I wish you luck !
Grrrrr ... Chew Chew .... Grrrrrr....

I'm Running XP SP2, and i also installed Ulead and Dopus on my laptop (to test this), and get the same results (also XP SP2), I get a small black circle with a line throught it (universal NO) when i drag it to the timeline, I know Ulead only accepts mpg and rejects all other formats, so i guess they are doing something special or looking for something special. Thanks for your help. :frowning:

updating to ulead 10 seemed to resolve issue. it was weird, as it worked on one machine but not the other.