Note that "{filepath}" should be just {filepath}, as it is automatically quoted if the path contains spaces (which will result in double quotes if they're also added explicitly).
I'm not sure there is a way to make drag & drop work if you want it to only open the file when Ctrl is held down, since the button won't see the Ctrl key in that context.
I would use this instead:
@async:"C:\PortableApps\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" {allfilepath}
That will work with drag & drop automatically.
If any files are selected, the button will open them in Notepad++. If nothing (or a folder) is selected, it will just launch Notepad++ without passing any paths to it.
Many thanks to both of you for your efforts and the excellent answers. As I didn't find my approach with CTRL really elegant, I have discarded it in favour of Leo's solution. But lxp's solution is also interesting if CTRL is desired.