Drag-over highlighting


Is there a way to get a lister to self-highlight a folder line when dragging a file over it from a non-Directory Opus window?

For example, when I drag a file from a file list to a directory list in Directory Opus, the line highlights, but when I do it from Windows Explorer or the Desktop, I only get a popup tooltip that I have to read to verify that the proper folder is selected.



Did you read this post?
[url]Dragging files: how to configure dotted border?] :wink:

Hi Christiaan,

Thanks for that thread... It does not quite cover the problem though.

Everything is fine when using DOPus only. But lets say I open Windows Explorer. Then I drag to a DOpus lister (Left folder view or Right file view), the lines do not highlight. I just get a popup that says Target: ...

Check out this picture...

I dragged from my Desktop a file to Windows System.

First, \System is not highlighted in any way.

Next, look how the path in the mouse tip is incorrect.

When I drag from a DOpus lister the behavior is totally different and correct. The folder in the left pane then opens and shows the correct folders.

What version of Opus are you using? This sounds like a bug we had quite a long time ago where the drag offset would be calculated incorrectly when dragging from outside of Opus.

In DOpus everything works fine when dragging files from the Desktop to DOpus.
The folders do highlight and the tooltip is correct (left picture: Folder tree, right picture: File display).

Hi Christiaan,

I definitely do not get the same behavior you show.

I have version on XP.

Think I should send this to support?

Do you still get this problem? If so could you post a screenshot of your entire lister so that we can try to recreate your setup?