I'm using DO 12 op my laptop and suddenly dragging and dropping with the mouse has stopped. I can't find out why. I checked all the setting but maybe I'm overseeiing one.
Thanks in advance!
I'm using DO 12 op my laptop and suddenly dragging and dropping with the mouse has stopped. I can't find out why. I checked all the setting but maybe I'm overseeiing one.
Thanks in advance!
Just a question, in which mode did you try? There is a separate mouse configuration for the power mode, for instance.
I didn't change anything! I have 2 machines, a desktop and a laptop and they share both the same settings for DO. On my desktop everything works as expected; on my laptop dragging and dropping within DO is suddenly disabled!
Just an idea, what you could check: -> preferences -> file displays -> mouse -> Allow drag and drop into sub-folders.
Maybe somehow you inadvertently changed a checkbox state, while you had the prefs page open?
Is it the same after a reboot?
What are you dragging, and from where to where?
It happens to me every week or so on Windows 7 64 bit, but in this case it's a Windows bug because it affects all the software I use. I still don't know what it triggers it and why, after a few hours, it's working again.
Yes, it's the same after a reboot. And I'm dragging a file to a button. No popups appear when I drag the file to the button.
A toolbar button? What is the command that it runs?
Hello Leo,
This is on my button:
cd "C:\Users\Rien van Ham\AppData\Local\Programs\EmEditor"
@async:"C:\Users\Rien van Ham\AppData\Local\Programs\EmEditor\EmEditor.exe" {filepath}
But (I think i\I'm getting crazy) suddenly it works again! Didn't change anything!
This is sometimes happening to me as well. Usually a reboot of the pc solves the issue. Opus Exit (File->Exit) does not solve the issue.
There is nothing special running, all the usual stuff. Only thing that might/might(!) have been of any influence is running VMware Workstation - after closing VM I discovered not being able to drag+drop.
(oh, btw,drop into sub-folders=tagged)