On v8 of DOPUS, I was able to click and drag files (attachments) from a folder to a Lotus Notes document or from a Lotus Notes document to a folder. This is a basic function available with Lotus Notes and Windows Explorer, PowerDesk and (as I stated) with v8 of DOPUS.
After installing V9 of DOPUS, I can drag a file from a folder to Lotus Notes document but cannot drag the file from a Lotus Notes document to a folder. This prior capability has ceased to function. I have verified that the original functionality is still there with Windows Explorer and PowerDesk.
Are there other users of Lotus Notes here who can verify if they experience the same symptoms using V9? Appreciate hearing from any one on this.
I've tested the new Opus release here at work, where my computer is infected with the crime against computer science that is Lotus Notes, and I can confirm that the problem with drag & drop of attachments from LN to Opus is now fixed.
(I wish I could fix the problem properly by unisntalling Notes and convincing the few thousand people in my company, or rather the 10 or so who dictate our mail client, to use something remotely sensible. If only the Outlook connector to Lotus Domino let you send attachments to Notes users. Sigh.)