Drive button hovering over drive button is not showing all the detail

What I am missing is the drive label information which was there before installing V13.
e.g. Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 64GB
I find this very useful.
Space free and Total size is there
I have tried altering the settings, but to no avail.

Can somebody please help me?

Directory Opus 13.4 Build 8838 x64
OS 10.0 (B:19045 P:2 T:1) SP 0.0

This setting?

I will try this later, thank you.

Drive-Buttons on toolbars get their tooltips from Windows. You should see the same thing as when hovering over the drive in File Explorer. As far as I know, there isn't a way to edit it.

You can edit the tooltips for drives in the This PC folder (Settings > File Types > Drives > Info Tip), but that doesn't affect what Drive-Buttons show, at least currently. It'd probably make sense for them to show the same thing, though. I'll add that to the ideas list.

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Bear in mind, that this was OK prior to upgrading to V13!

This was already set as your suggestion.

Any other suggestions?

That comes from Windows, right?
And it can be modified from the Registry.
For example: Changing HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\InfoTip to prop:System.ItemNameDisplay;System.FreeSpace;System.Capacity


(I'm not encouraging anyone to edit their registry)

And you can add the labels in the same button. e.g. by adding labels to Go DRIVEBUTTONS

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You are absolutely BRILIIANT!
Your suggestion:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\InfoTip to prop:System.ItemNameDisplay;System.FreeSpace;System.Capacity

These are the steps I took:
Exported (Backed up) The Registry to:
E:\Documents\Registry Backups\DO 11.04.2024.reg

Before performing the above suggestion.
Entry was: prop:System.FreeSpace;System.Capacity
Changed to: prop:System.ItemNameDisplay;System.FreeSpace;System.Capacity

You will notice that ‘System.ItemNameDisplay’ was missing.

I am so elated that this has worked so a BIG thank you to you!


ALL There!

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