Using Opus 10.5.7. Cannot see either Dropbox or Onedrive folders anywhere. Yet Windows Explorer easily shows then BOTH. I've plowed thru the Opus "Preferences" joy there.
What is the secret to get Dropbox or Onedrive folders/drives/files to show up in Opus?
Unless you're using Windows 8, both OneDrive and Dropbox folders are completely normal folders so you just need to find where they are on your HDD and they should appear in anything.
The shortcuts to them on the desktop or folder tree may only work with newer versions of Opus, at least with OneDrive. (Microsoft keep changing the way OneDrive works in every Windows update. We change Opus accordingly, but Opus 10 is very old and was designed for Windows XP. However, the folder itself should still be visible if you locate it, since it is just a normal folder that OneDrive copies files into and out of, unless you're using Windows 8.)
OK...I have finally found OneDrive and DropBox buried in Local c:/Users/Username/ - would be much more useful if I could see them in the main tree as with Win Explorer. (see two screenies) do I achieve? Or even plant them in the tool bar....if I right click on each drive icon, I see no such option) - thanks...Using Win 7.
If you're using Opus 10 on Windows 10, note that Opus 10 was made years before Windows 10 or the Windows 10 version of OneDrive existed, so it won't use all the same conventions or know how to interact with OneDrive as well as a version made for the OS you're using.
DropBox should also appear in a similar place in the Opus 12 folder tree if it is registering its shortcut in the usual way. (There isn't an option to hide it like there is with OneDrive, although we could add one if people want it. It's always on if it is installed.) I'm not sure if Opus 10's folder tree displayed extra items like that but 11 and 12 both do.
I sent an email earlier showing appearance in Win Explorer/Opus...OneDrive abd Dropbox both show in the tree in Win Explorere and do NOT in can see the screen captures in that email....Am using Opus 12 and Win 7...Perhaps as you say, OneDrive/DropBox should appear as they do in WinEx, but, for me they do NOT. I believe my Preference settings are set up properly (see screenie)...but the ONLY place I see DropBox/OneDrive is buried in Users/etc. How can I get then to show on the main tree? Thanks.
The root post said Opus 10.5.7 which is where I got that from.
I missed that the Win7 aspect, though, which changes things slightly; apologies for missing that. OneDrive (SkyDrive back then) integrated itself differently in older versions of Windows and didn't ship as part of the OS until Windows 8.1. That's why the OneDrive option isn't in Preferences for you; it applies to the way the built-in versions of OneDrive integrate themselves with the tree from Windows 8.1 onwards.
Looking at your screenshot of Explorer, it is not showing OneDrive in a special place in the folder tree the way it does in later versions of Windows. It just has the OneDrive and DropBox folders added to the Favorites. (Maybe they added themselves there when they were installed.)
You can add the folders to your Favorites list in Opus as well. An option to show Favorites as a branch in the folder tree is near the top of your Preferences screenshot.
(Opus and Explorer have separate favorites lists, so you'd need to add the folder to both if you want it there in both programs. In Windows 10 there's also the option of using the Quick Access list which is functionally similar to Favorites but shared between Opus and Explorer.)