Dual Display with same fonts as Default Lister

In that case, how do I

  1. Find the font size, name and color for the Default Lister
  2. Change the default font sizes, under Preferences / Display / Colors and Fonts for Default Lister
  3. Change the default font sizes, under Preferences / Display / Colors and Fonts for Dual Display

Thanking in advance,


Reset any zoom you've applied in the lister, then save the default lister again, so that isn't interfering with anything.

Pick the font you want in Preferences.

How do I do this is my question. I first need to find the font name, size and color with zoom applied so that I can use them in preferences.

Next, I need help on how to change Preferences for font sizes for Default Lister and for Dual Display.

Also, how do I reset the zoom applied (after I find the font size, name and color for it).

Thanking in advance,



The font name won't need to change if you only want to change the size of it.

To find the size, just try them until you find the size you want.

To reset the zoom, click the Reset Zoom button that appears when you change the zoom amount.

Thanks for the info but I was looking at the Preferences / Display / Colors and Fonts various options available and I could not find any which can tell me from its name that it will change font size, color for

Default Lister
Dual Display

In case the font size, color and name are found by trial and error, what items do I specifically select from Preferences / Display / Colors and Fonts to change so that the new font applies for all listers default, dual display etc.

Also, is there some kind of easy way to find the font size used currently in Default Lister.

Thanking in advance,



File Display.

Thanks. I did manage to find the options and changed the font size to make it uniform for File Display, File Display Groups, File Display Header, Folder Tabs and Status Bar.

Just in case someone finds it useful,

To find the font size for the Default Lister (as I had changed it through Ctrl Mousewheel and saved it as Default Lister), I saved a screen image of the Default Lister with the zoom applied.

While changing the Preferences / Display / Colors and Fonts, I opened the screen image saved before on left side of screen in its original size and the Directory Opus Default Lister on right side of screen, reset the zoom and in another window for Preferences / Display / Colors and Fonts went on increasing and applying the font sizes in Directory Opus Preferences until I found both the font sizes in the screen image and the Default Lister to be same and aligning to each other.

This also helped as earlier only the file or folder names were in bigger font. But now as I found the font size I used the same for File Display Groups, File Display Header, Folder Tabs and Status Bar also. (As default font name had not changed in zoom so did not have to bother about it).

The only thing remaining to increase the font size is the part of the window where it shows e.g. This PC along with icons to Go Up, Forward, Back, Favorites etc. What is this part called and how do I change the font size for this part ?

Thanking in advance,



One more related question.

The increased font size for file display means if some file names are very big, it does not show the full file name and shows ... at the end of the file as there are other columns to show also. This is fine.

When I hover on any file name including on filename which is not shown fully, it shows in a tool tip. Type, Date Modified and Size are shown in this tool tip.

Is it possible also to include the full filename to be shown in the tool tip or info tip so that I do not have select the file and scroll along the name to see full file name.

See 3m58s in the video at the bottom of Folder Formats: Quick Guide

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Is there any way to achieve the above font increase ?

right click on a toolbar and select customize or settings menu/customize toolbars...

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This is where you can affect additional changes.


It solved the problem for most toolbars. I am still left with one which I cannot figure out.

Now, I have started to like Directory Opus more and more as only now I have started to customize it to this extent.

I have used the above settings to change font sizes for most of the parts that were troubling me.

That brings me to few new wishes which I know is definitely possible in Directory Opus 12 but do not know how ?

  1. I want to show all Microsoft Word files in Blue color, Excel files in Green color, PDF files in may be Dark Red color and so on and so forth irrespective of which folder they are in. How do I achieve this ?

  2. I today found a script called Ebook Columns 1.4.1.js.txt which can show Book Title and Author among other things.

Like most people, I have separate directories for Movies, eBooks, Audiobooks and obviously the Default Lister does not cater to requirements for all these.

Can you point me to tutorial or URL in documentation which can help me with showing relevant movie fields (e.g. I use the Video_Frame_Columns.js.txt for movie definition in Default Lister which is overkill and does not make sense for most of the folders) in folders for videos and movies, audiobook related fields like Duration etc. for audiobooks and so on.

I will also like to know if there is any script available which can show number of pages for PDF or epub or doc files which are the most common document or ebook formats.

And one final question. Currently, I am using a laptop with 13 inch screen but which is connected to a much bigger external monitor and displays only on the external monitor. So all above font increases is working smoothly currently. This is my most preferred way to use computers as I always prefer bigger screen if available.

I am also saving the configuration by exporting it to .ocb file.

Some day, I will have to use only laptop and I will like to use Directory Opus defaults or much smaller or normal fonts at that time.

The easiest and quickest way I feel in such cases will be to reset all settings to factory settings for Directory Opus and will like to know how to do it ?

Alternatively, a better option will be to save two sets of settings, one for laptop screen size and one for bigger screen and either import the settings from the appropriate file or switch to the required settings if it is possible to save the entire set of settings for each kind of screen size.

What do you suggest in above scenario and how to go about achieving it in an elegant way ?

Thanking in advance,


It's just another toolbar - find the one which is configured as this border by going to Preferences / File Displays / Border (it's "File Display" by default). Go to Settings / Customize and edit it the same as the others.

The screenshots posted by @galaxyhub above show this.

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Also, bear in mind: Ask one question per thread

Thanks. This solved it. Directory Opus is great as it allows very large amount of customization and due to this it gets confusing as well as I have been using only few specific features of it over the past 11 years mostly. I plan to learn more of it by using the documentation and more than documentation as a first step, viewing video tutorials.

I found the above video very useful as learning by viewing is a nice way to learn.

Is there any specific URL on Directory Opus Forum or Website where I can find all the video tutorials about Directory Opus 12.

I will love to learn more about the customization as also customized buttons and scripts which are very helpful and may find it useful right away and which I may not be even aware of its existence as of now ?

As far as I know, @Leo's collection of videos is the most official: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nudelyn

@playful read the ENTIRE MANUAL! (Quite a feat!) He created a site called DearOpus which is a comprehensive and useful site for learning all kinds of things about Opus.

I understand you're a visual learner. My ex-wife is as well. When there's not a video to show her but there are pictures (and sometimes only text), I encouraged her to visually teach herself by following along with what the pictures and text are showing her. Read and do, read and do. This helped her a lot to learn things for herself for which there were no videos.

DOpus is such a huge and feature-rich program. Having videos for all the things you can do would be an enormous task.

But, if you have questions, many of us are here to help. @lxp and @Steve are wizards at scripting and often help with adding functionality people are missing. @leo and @jon, the developers, are here with tech support including feature requests and bug reports.

As long as you stick to "one question per thread," you'll likely get a prompt answer to whatever you need to know.

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