See the old post for v1.0 for an overview of what this does:
One new feature from v1.0 is the jump list which displays the entire config file in a menu, acting as a secondary favorite list and a gateway to getting to a switchpath group. The width of the jump menu can also be adjusted.
So far all possible commands in DOpus are:
orDynSwitchPath FORWARD
will cycle forwardDynSwitchPath BACK
will cycle backwardDynSwitchPath MENU=opt
orDynSwitchPath MENU=options
DynSwitchPath MENU=jump
orDynSwitchPath MENU=jumplist
- Dynamic_SWITCHPATH_v2.2.zip (5.6 KB)
- Dynamic_SWITCHPATH_v2.1.zip (5.48 KB)
- Dynamic_SWITCHPATH_v2.0.zip (4.07 KB)
Installation (script)
After unzipping the archive, you should have these files:
Type /dopusdata\Script AddIns
into Opus to go to the scripts folder, and move both files there.
Installation (buttons)
NOTE: Right clicking the buttons is how to access the menus
For instructions on how to paste these code blocks on to a toolbar, see here:
Forward Button
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<button backcol="none" display="both" textcol="none" type="three_button">
<button backcol="none" display="both" textcol="none">
<label>DSP Forward</label>
<function type="normal">
<instruction>DynSwitchPath FORWARD</instruction>
<button backcol="none" display="both" textcol="none">
<label>DSP Jump Menu</label>
<function type="normal">
<instruction>DynSwitchPath MENU=jump</instruction>
Back Button
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<button backcol="none" display="both" textcol="none" type="three_button">
<button backcol="none" display="both" textcol="none">
<label>DSP Back</label>
<function type="normal">
<instruction>DynSwitchPath BACK</instruction>
<button backcol="none" display="both" textcol="none">
<label>DSP Options</label>
<function type="normal">
<instruction>DynSwitchPath MENU=opt</instruction>
Example configuration file
D:\<--------------------- Group 1
C:\Program Files
C:\Windows<----------- Group 2
Known Caveats
- Requires DO11 beta6 or greater.
- ConfFile: Paths must not end with a backslash (
) (with one exception, see below). - ConfFile: Cycling through drives root like
they must end with a backslash (\
). - ConfFile: Try to avoid duplicate path entries throughout the whole file, because the first one found will always run, never the second.
v2.2 (03-04-2015)
- Fixed case sensitive checking on folders (described below)
- Fixed error when cancelling out of jump menu width dialog
- Check for minimum dopus version
v2.1 (02-09-2014)
- Added: Expand to Tabs (currently only works if path of focused tab is one that exists in config file)
- Added: Where to expand Source/Destination/Ask
- Added: Options Menu
- Added: Jump Width Dialog
- Creates two global vars, dspOptions and dspJumpWidth
v2.0 (02-02-2014)
- Converted from batch script to jscript
- Added: Jump List Menu
v1.0 (05-30-2012)
Script Code:
The script code from the v2.2 download above is reproduced here for reference.
Note that the download also includes a config file which you still need. The script is primarily reproduced here to help people looking for ways to do things.
// 2014 yonder
// Note if the comments aren't aligning try changing tabstop to 4 in external editor
// Turn line wrap off for ideal viewing
// file scope
var debug = false;
var cmd;
var objFSO = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var jumpRun = DOpus.NewVector(); // full length menu names
var jump1 = DOpus.NewVector(); // truncated menu names
var jump2 = DOpus.NewVector(); // menu item flags (bold, checked)
var startTime = new Date().getTime(); // calc runtime in ms
var fShowJump = false; // jump or jumplist set ?
var dspOptions = 0; // glob! var
var dspJumpWidth = 40; // glob! var
//var soundFile = "C:\\WINDOWS\\Media\\Windows XP Ding.wav";
function OnInit(initData)
initData.name = "Dynamic SWITCHPATH";
initData.desc = "Multiple switchpath definitions to cycle through, from one command. " +
"Based off current viewing folder in focus. " +
"(DOpus 11.0 Beta 6 or higher required)";
initData.copyright = "Feb-2014 yonder";
initData.version = "2.2";
initData.default_enable = true;
initData.min_version = "11.4";
// define and initialise command
var cmd = initData.AddCommand();
cmd.name = "DynSwitchPath";
cmd.method = "dspMain";
cmd.desc = initData.desc;
cmd.label = "DynSwitchPath";
cmd.template = "FORWARD/S/O,BACK/S/O,MENU/K[opt,jump]/O";
return false;
// Main
function dspMain(funcData)
var cntAll = 0; // counter will only count everything when jump menu is issued
var cntGrpPaths = 0; // counter; how many paths per group
var cntGrps = 0; // counter; how many groups
var source = 0; // choice from "ask" sub menu
var primary = "", allOther = ""; // Go "primary" SWITCHPATH "all" "other" "paths"
var group = new Array();
var back = false;
var match = false;
cmd = funcData.func.Command;
// dspOptions glob!
if (DOpus.Vars("dspOptions").Exists())
dspOptions = DOpus.Vars("dspOptions").value;
// set defaults
dspOptions |= 8;
DOpus.Vars("dspOptions") = dspOptions;
DOpus.Vars("dspOptions").persist = true;
// dspJumpWidth glob!
if (DOpus.Vars("dspJumpWidth").Exists())
dspJumpWidth = DOpus.Vars("dspJumpWidth").value;
DOpus.Vars("dspJumpWidth") = dspJumpWidth;
DOpus.Vars("dspJumpWidth").persist = true;
if (dspOptions & 1)
debug = true;
if (dspOptions & 2)
// parse parameters
if (funcData.func.args.got_arg.back) back = true;
if (funcData.func.args.got_arg.menu)
switch (funcData.func.args.menu)
case "opt":
case "options":
var r = showOptMenu(funcData.func.Dlg);
if (r == 0)
return false;
source = r;
case "jump":
case "jumplist":
fShowJump = true;
// pwd (.\\) was returning /home, so using alias to get current working dir
var dopusData = DOpus.Aliases("dopusdata").path;
var cfgFile = dopusData + "\\Script AddIns\\dynamic_switchpath.txt";
if (!objFSO.FileExists(cfgFile))
d("Config file not found: \"/dopusdata\\Script AddIns\\dynamic_switchpath.txt\"", true);
cmd.RunCommand("Set UTILITY=otherlog");
return false; // fail
// process config file and execute command or show jump menu
var srcPath = funcData.func.sourcetab.path;
var objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(cfgFile, 1, false);
while (!objFile.AtEndOfStream)
var line = trim(objFile.ReadLine());
if (line.substr(0, 2) == "//") continue; // ignore comments
if (line == "-")
if (match && !fShowJump) break;
cntGrpPaths = -1;
primary = "";
allOther = "";
group = [];
if (cntGrpPaths == 0)
group[cntGrpPaths] = primary = "\"" + line + "\"";
else if (cntGrpPaths > 0)
if (back)
allOther = "\"" + line + "\" " + allOther;
allOther = allOther + " \"" + line + "\"";
group[cntGrpPaths] = "\"" + line + "\"";
if (line.toLowerCase() == lcase(srcPath)) match = 1;
if (fShowJump)
{ // prep jump menu
jump1.push_back(truncatePath(line, dspJumpWidth));
if (line.toLowerCase() == lcase(srcPath))
cntGrpPaths++; cntAll++;
primary = trim(primary);
allOther = trim(allOther);
if (match && source)
{ // expand to tabs
var openInDest = "";
for (var i=0; i < group.length; i++)
if(group[i] == ("\"" + srcPath + "\"")) continue;
if(source == 2) openInDest = "OPENINDEST";
cmd.AddLine("Go " + group[i] + " NEWTAB " + openInDest);
else if (match && !fShowJump)
{ // switchpath
cmd.RunCommand("Go " + primary + " SWITCHPATH " + allOther);
d(cntGrps + " " + cntGrpPaths + " " + primary + " " + allOther);
var elapsedTime = new Date().getTime() - startTime;
d(elapsedTime + " milliseconds");
delete elapsedTime;
else if (fShowJump)
{ // jump list
var dlg = funcData.func.Dlg;
dlg.choices = jump1;
dlg.menu = jump2;
var r = dlg.Show();
if (r > 0)
cmd.RunCommand("Go " + "\"" + jumpRun(r - 1) + "\"");
d(jumpRun(r - 1));
delete group, startTime, objFSO;
return true;
// prepOptMenu
function showOptMenu(dlg)
var tmpJumpWidth = dspJumpWidth;
if ((parseInt(tmpJumpWidth)) == 255)
tmpJumpWidth = "MAX";
var opt1 = DOpus.NewVector(/*"Tabs to SwitchPath, Save",*/
/*"Tabs to SwitchPath, Temp",*/
"Expand to Tabs", "-",
"Ask", "Open in Source", "Open in Destination", "-",
/*"Update Toolbar Icon(s)",*/
"Jump Menu Width: " + tmpJumpWidth, "-",
"Debug", "Clear Output on Run");
var opt2 = DOpus.NewVector(opt1.length);
// load options from glob! var
for (var i = 0; i < opt1.length; i++)
switch (opt1(i))
case "Ask":
if (dspOptions & 8)
opt2(i) = 6;
opt2(i+1) = 0;
opt2(i+2) = 0;
case "Open in Source":
if (!(dspOptions & 4) && !(dspOptions & 8))
opt2(i) = 6;
case "Open in Destination":
if ((dspOptions & 4) && !(dspOptions & 8))
opt2(i) = 6;
case "Debug":
if (dspOptions & 1)
opt2(i) = 2;
opt2(i+1) &= ~8;
opt2(i+1) |= 8;
case "Clear Output on Run":
if (dspOptions & 2)
opt2(i) |= 2;
// show menu
dlg.choices = opt1;
dlg.menu = opt2;
var r = dlg.Show();
// clicked item
if (r > 0)
switch (opt1(r - 1))
case "Expand to Tabs":
if (dspOptions & 8)
return showSubMenu("ask_src_dest");
else if (!(dspOptions & 4) && !(dspOptions & 8))
return 1; // src
else if ((dspOptions & 4) && !(dspOptions & 8))
return 2; // dest
case "Ask": dspOptions |= 8; break;
case "Open in Source": dspOptions &= ~4 & ~8; break;
case "Open in Destination": dspOptions |= 4; dspOptions &= ~8; break;
case "Jump Menu Width: "+tmpJumpWidth: showJumpWidthDlg(); break;
case "Debug": dspOptions ^= 1; if (dspOptions & 1) debug = true; break;
case "Clear Output on Run": dspOptions ^= 2; break;
DOpus.Vars("dspOptions") = dspOptions;
d("dspOptions: " + pad(dspOptions, 3) + " (" + pad(d2b(dspOptions), 8) + ")");
//return -1;
return false;
// showJumpWidthDlg
function showJumpWidthDlg()
var dlg = DOpus.Dlg;
var input, r;
dlg.window = DOpus.Listers(0); // 0 seems to be the lister in focus (z-order?)
dlg.title = "Jump menu width";
dlg.message = "Specify desired jump menu width.\n\nAvailable range: 0-255";
dlg.buttons = "OK|Cancel";
dlg.Default = dspJumpWidth.toString();
dlg.max = 3;
while (true) // only accept numeric input
r = dlg.Show();
if (!r) break;
input = trim(dlg.input);
if (input.match(/^\d+$/) != null)
if ((parseInt(input)) > 255)
input = "255";
DOpus.Vars("dspJumpWidth") = dspJumpWidth = input;
dlg.message = "Specify desired jump menu width. >> NUMBERS ONLY <<\n\nAvailable range: 0-255";
dlg.Default = input;
d("dlgJumpWidth: (" + r + ") " + input);
// showSubMenu
function showSubMenu(menu)
var sub1 = DOpus.NewVector();
var sub2 = DOpus.NewVector();
var r;
var dlg = DOpus.Dlg;
dlg.window = DOpus.Listers(0);
dlg.choices = sub1;
dlg.menu = sub2;
switch (menu)
case "ask_src_dest": // return 1 for src, 2 for dest, 0 fail
var src = "Source";
var dest = "Destination";
var dual = DOpus.Listers(0).dual;
if (cmd.sourcetab.right)
switch (dual)
case 1:
src = "(Right) " + src;
dest = "(Left) " + dest; break;
case 2:
src = "(Bottom) " + src;
dest = "(Top) " + dest; break;
switch (dual)
case 1:
src = "(Left) " + src;
dest = "(Right) " + dest; break;
case 2:
src = "(Top) " + src;
dest = "(Bottom) " + dest; break;
return dlg.Show();
return 0;
// truncatePath
function truncatePath(path, width)
{ // truncate to length of width
if (path == "-") return path;
if (path.length < width) return path;
var slash_pos = path.lastIndexOf("\\");
var last_folder = path.substr(slash_pos, path.length - slash_pos);
var remainder = width - last_folder.length - 3; // -3 for ...
return path.substr(0, remainder) + "..." + last_folder;
//function soundOnError() {cmd.RunCommand("Play \"" + soundFile + "\" QUIET");}
function d2b(d) {return d.toString(2);} // decimal to binary
function pad(n, z) {return Array(Math.max(z - String(n).length + 1, 0)).join(0) + n;}
function lcase(s) {return String.prototype.toLowerCase.apply(s);}
function trim(s) {return s.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");}
function d(o) {d(o, false);}
function d(o, override) {if(debug || override) DOpus.Output(o);}
/* dspOptions bit flags
0x01 (01) debug
0x02 (02) clearOutput
0x04 (04) 0=Src, 1=Dest
0x08 (08) Ask
0x10 (16) jumpListIndicator