I just saw, that the "File explorer" is able to switch taskbar icons according to the current path. For example if you open the "Downloads" folder an arrow down is displayed. Until now I've never missed it, but as I always have so many listers open it would be a nice feature.
So...is it somehow possible to change the lister icons in taskbar according to their current path?
There isn't a way to do that, no. We use the window icons to indicate source/dest/dual state rather than the active side/tab's folder icons.
I guess we could add it as an option, but I'm not sure how many would find it useful, since you rarely see those icons on the taskbar unless grouping is turned off, and 99% of folders have a generic icon. (Even with File Explorer, the main icon for the taskbar program group never changes.)
Ultra wide monitor is getting popular and there is no need to group task bar icons anymore. Also, perhaps an icon to indicate lister for certain layout or lister group tabs might be useful.
Thank you very much GPSoft for implementing it. I just installed version 12.26 and it's working perfectly. It really helps a lot to distinguish between folders.