Easy Way To Increase ALL Font Sizes

Today i tried a new theme out of curiosity. I was reserved on replacing the font because I didn't want to have to go back through to fix my font size to a readible size but then I thought maybe they're using a different font that I might like better but you can't choose between Font and Font Size being replaced it's both or none and I think that's best at least until domeone finds a real way to measure fonts. Currently a 9 pixel font size using one font isn't always the same as another 9 pixel size using another font. I think tshe world needs an updated idea of character measurement rarther than the metal plate size used in a printing operation that had nothing to do with the size of the item on the plate. But that's not my battle.

I'd like to see a way to change all fonts by a factor of +/-x. Because if I oversize or undersize the fonts in a theme I can easily go back and increase or decrease it again.

Currently you have to do each font one-by-one.