This Script AddIn provides six new columns to display Ebook metadata in DOpus. Currently only epub, mobi, azw3 and pdf are supported and you must have the ebook-meta.exe program which is installed by default with Calibre.
Warning: This script runs slowly when a book is not in the cache, it's got a lot to do for each file. You can prevent the column from continuing to process the remaining files by clicking the spinning circle in the location field and selecting "abort".
The script expects that you have installed Calibre into the default location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Calibre2 . If not, there's a configuration option (calibre_path) where you can change this.
The script uses the ebook-meta.exe file to extract the metadata for the ebook files and outputs it to a temporary file in "..\AppData\Local\Temp". This file is automatically deleted once the metadata has been read.
Once a book has been parsed the first time, it's particulars are added to the cache file (in "/localappdata\EbookColumns") resulting in faster read times when the columns are shown for that book. This cache can be turned off with the use_cache configuration option and the actual path used to store the cache can be changed with cache_path.
Series data is handled horribly by ebook formats. Epub3 allows for the series information to be embedded into the ebook file but other filetypes don't seem to. Because of this the ebook-meta.exe program will not read or write series information for those files. Calibre cheats and adds metadata to a separate file for each ebook and the ebook-meta.exe program ignores this data as far as I can tell (Happy to learn otherwise if anyone knows more).
Because of this, the series column will only display data for .epub files.
- 1.0 (6/4/20)
- Initial Release.
- 1.2 (14/4/20)
- Added Tags column.
- Merged Series and Series Index into one column.
- Fixed "Title sort" data overwriting the "Title" column.
- 1.4 (24/4/20)
- Now using multicol columns correctly so the data for each file is only read/extracted once.
- Added: Calibre path is now a configuration item.
- 1.4.1 (1/5/20)
- Fixed bug which occurred when the script was used in the Advanced Rename dialog.
1.5 (14/6/20)
- Added: Year column which extracts the year from the "published" metadata item.
1.5.1 (22/6/20)
- Added: Uses a cache file to store ebook metadata and uses that to populate the columns if possible. The cache location can be configured, and even turned off if required.
- Fixed: Parsing of the metadata failed if other fields used a keyword like Author etc in their content.
- Fixed: Added ALL to the delete command for the temporary file to override user preferences requiring a prompt for all deletes.
1.5.2 (4/8/20)
- Fixed: Columns now work correctly in the rename dialog.
- Download: Ebook Columns.js.txt (13.6 KB)
- Drag the .js.txt file to Preferences / Toolbars / Scripts.
Script Config:
A couple of settings are available in the normal Script Addin configuration editor:
- directories: Enter a string to be used for directories (can be blank).
- non_ebook_files: Enter a string to be used for non ebook files (can be blank).
- series_show_index: Include the series index in the series column.
- calibre_path: The path to your Calibre installation.
- cache_path: The path used to store the cache file.
- use_cache: Toggle cache usage on and off.
To use the column (once the script is installed) simply choose your config options and then turn on any or all of the following columns:
Script / Ebook Columns / Ebook Author
Script / Ebook Columns / Ebook Title
Script / Ebook Columns / Ebook Series
Script / Ebook Columns / Ebook Series #
Script / Ebook Columns / Ebook Tags
Script / Ebook Columns / Ebook Year
// EBook Columns
// (c) 2020 Steve Banham
var pathCalibre;
var arrLines = [];
var arrCache = [];
var cacheResult = "";
var cachePath;
var busyAbort = false;
scriptName = "Ebook Columns";
scriptVersion = "1.5.2";
scriptDate = "4/8/2020";
scriptCopyright = "(c) 2020 Steve Banham";
scriptMinVersion = "12.20";
scriptDesc = "Display author, title, series, tags and year of ebooks in DOpus columns.";
function OnInit(initData) { = scriptName;
initData.version = scriptVersion;
initData.copyright = scriptCopyright;
initData.desc = scriptDesc;
initData.default_enable = true;
initData.min_version = scriptMinVersion;
initData.url = "";
initData.config_desc = DOpus.Create.Map();
initData.config_groups = DOpus.Create.Map();
var configName = "";
configName = "directories";
initData.Config[configName] = "<dir>";
initData.config_desc(configName) = "String to show for any directory (Can be blank).";
configName = "non_ebook_files";
initData.Config[configName] = "---";
initData.config_desc(configName) = "String to show for non ebook files (Can be blank).";
configName = "series_show_index";
initData.Config[configName] = true;
initData.config_desc(configName) = "Include the series index in the series column.";
configName = "calibre_path";
initData.Config[configName] = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Calibre2";
initData.config_desc(configName) = "The path to your Calibre installation.";
configName = "cache_path";
initData.Config[configName] = "/localappdata\\EbookColumns";
initData.config_desc(configName) = "Storage location for the cache file.";
configName = "use_cache";
initData.Config[configName] = true;
initData.config_desc(configName) = "Use a cache file to store ebook metadata to speed up future access.";
var col = initData.AddColumn(); = "EbookAuthor";
col.method = "onEbookCol";
col.label = "Ebook Author";
col.header = "Ebook Author";
col.autogroup = true;
col.autorefresh = true;
col.justify = "left";
col.multicol = true;
var col = initData.AddColumn(); = "EbookTitle";
col.method = "onEbookCol";
col.label = "Ebook Title";
col.header = "Ebook Title";
col.autogroup = true;
col.autorefresh = true;
col.justify = "left";
col.multicol = true;
var col = initData.AddColumn(); = "EbookSeries";
col.method = "onEbookCol";
col.label = "Ebook Series";
col.header = "Ebook Series";
col.autogroup = true;
col.autorefresh = true;
col.justify = "left";
col.multicol = true;
var col = initData.AddColumn(); = "EbookSeriesNum";
col.method = "onEbookCol";
col.label = "Ebook Series #";
col.header = "Ebook Series #";
col.autogroup = true;
col.autorefresh = true;
col.justify = "center";
col.multicol = true;
var col = initData.AddColumn(); = "EbookTags";
col.method = "onEbookCol";
col.label = "Ebook Tags";
col.header = "Ebook Tags";
col.autogroup = true;
col.autorefresh = true;
col.justify = "left";
col.multicol = true;
var col = initData.AddColumn(); = "EbookYear";
col.method = "onEbookCol";
col.label = "Ebook Year";
col.header = "Ebook Year";
col.autogroup = true;
col.autorefresh = true;
col.justify = "left";
col.multicol = true;
function onEbookCol(scriptColData) {
if (busyAbort) return;
if ( != 0) {
var busy = DOpus.create.BusyIndicator();
busy.abort = true;
busy.Init(, "Extracting metadata...", true);
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject");
cachePath = DOpus.FSUtil.Resolve(Script.Config["cache_path"]);
if (Script.Config["use_cache"] == true) {
if (!DOpus.FSUtil.Exists(cachePath)) {
if (!fso.CreateFolder(cachePath)) {
DOpus.Output("Unable to create cache file, check settings.");
return false;
cachePath = cachePath + "\\EbookColumns.cache";
pathCalibre = Script.Config["calibre_path"];
if (pathCalibre.substr(-1) == "\\") {
pathCalibre = pathCalibre.substr(0, pathCalibre.length - 1);
if (scriptColData.item.is_dir) {
scriptColData.columns("EbookAuthor").value = Script.Config["directories"];
scriptColData.columns("EbookTitle").value = Script.Config["directories"];
scriptColData.columns("EbookSeries").value = Script.Config["directories"];
scriptColData.columns("EbookSeriesNum").value = Script.Config["directories"];
scriptColData.columns("EbookTags").value = Script.Config["directories"];
scriptColData.columns("EbookYear").value = Script.Config["directories"];
if (scriptColData.item.ext == ".epub" || scriptColData.item.ext == ".azw3" || scriptColData.item.ext == ".pdf" || scriptColData.item.ext == ".mobi"){
var itemHash = + "-" + scriptColData.item.modify; //DOpus.FSUtil.Hash(scriptColData.item.realpath);
itemHash = itemHash.replace(/\+/g, ".");
if (Script.Config["use_cache"] == true) {
if (readCache(scriptColData, itemHash)) {
parseCache(scriptColData, itemHash);
else if (readCalibre(scriptColData)) {
parseCalibre(scriptColData, itemHash);
else {
if (readCalibre(scriptColData)) {
parseCalibre(scriptColData, itemHash);
else {
scriptColData.columns("EbookAuthor").value = Script.Config["non_ebook_files"];
scriptColData.columns("EbookTitle").value = Script.Config["non_ebook_files"];
scriptColData.columns("EbookSeries").value = Script.Config["non_ebook_files"];
scriptColData.columns("EbookSeriesNum").value = Script.Config["non_ebook_files"];
scriptColData.columns("EbookTags").value = Script.Config["non_ebook_files"];
scriptColData.columns("EbookYear").value = Script.Config["non_ebook_files"];
if ( != 0) {
if (busy.abort) {
busyAbort = true;
function parseCalibre(scriptColData, itemHash) {
for (i=0; i < arrLines.length; i ++) {
if (arrLines[i].indexOf("Author(s) :") > -1) {
var strAuthor = arrLines[i].substring(22);
var hasSortField ="\\[");
if (hasSortField > -1) {
strAuthor = strAuthor.substring(0,hasSortField);
strAuthor = strAuthor.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/gm,'');
if (arrLines[i].indexOf("Title :") > -1) {
if (arrLines[i].search("Title sort") == -1) {
var strTitle = arrLines[i].substring(22);
strTitle = strTitle.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/gm,'');
if (arrLines[i].indexOf("Series :") > -1) {
var strSeries = "-";
strSeries = arrLines[i].substring(22);
var hasSeriesNum ="#");
if (hasSeriesNum > -1) {
var strSeriesNum = "-";
strSeriesNum = strSeries.slice(hasSeriesNum);
strSeries = strSeries.substring(0,hasSeriesNum);
strSeriesNum = strSeriesNum.replace("#","");
else {
strSeriesNum = " ";
if (Script.Config["series_show_index"] == true) {
strSeries = strSeries + " #" + strSeriesNum;
if (arrLines[i].indexOf("Tags :") > -1) {
var strTags = arrLines[i].substring(22);
strTags = strTags.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/gm,'');
if (arrLines[i].indexOf("Published :") > -1) {
var strYear = arrLines[i].substring(22,26);
strYear = strYear.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/gm,'');
if (strAuthor == undefined) strAuthor = " ";
scriptColData.columns("EbookAuthor").value = strAuthor;
if (strTitle == undefined) strTitle = " ";
scriptColData.columns("EbookTitle").value = strTitle;
if (strSeries == undefined) strSeries = " ";
scriptColData.columns("EbookSeries").value = strSeries;
if (strSeriesNum == undefined) strSeriesNum = " ";
scriptColData.columns("EbookSeriesNum").value = strSeriesNum;
if (strTags == undefined) strTags = " ";
scriptColData.columns("EbookTags").value = strTags;
if (strYear == undefined) strYear = " ";
scriptColData.columns("EbookYear").value = strYear;
if (Script.Config["use_cache"] == true) {
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject");
var cacheData = fso.OpenTextFile(cachePath, 8, true, 0);
cacheData.WriteLine("[" + itemHash + "] Author=\"" + strAuthor + "\" Title=\"" + strTitle + "\" Series=\"" + strSeries
+ "\" Num=\"" + strSeriesNum + "\" Tags=\"" + strTags + "\" Year=\"" + strYear + "\"");
function parseCache(scriptColData, itemHash) {
var authorStart ="Author=");
var titleStart ="Title=");
var seriesStart ="Series=");
var numStart ="Num=");
var tagsStart ="Tags=");
var yearStart ="Year=");
if ("Author=")) {
var strAuthor = cacheResult.substring(authorStart + 7, titleStart - 2);
strAuthor = strAuthor.replace(/\"/g, "");
else strAuthor = "";
if ("Title=")) {
var strTitle = cacheResult.substring(titleStart + 6, seriesStart - 2);
strTitle = strTitle.replace(/\"/g, "");
else strTitle = "";
if ("Series=")) {
var strSeries = cacheResult.substring(seriesStart + 7, numStart - 2);
strSeries = strSeries.replace(/\"/g, "");
else strSeries = "";
if ("Num=")) {
var strNum = cacheResult.substring(numStart + 4, tagsStart - 2);
strNum = strNum.replace(/\"/g, "");
else strNum = "";
if ("Tags=")) {
var strTags = cacheResult.substring(tagsStart + 5, yearStart - 2);
strTags = strTags.replace(/\"/g, "");
else strTags = "";
if ("Year=")) {
var strYear = cacheResult.substring(yearStart + 5);
strYear = strYear.replace(/\"/g, "");
else strYear = "";
if (strAuthor == undefined) strAuthor = " ";
scriptColData.columns("EbookAuthor").value = strAuthor;
if (strTitle == undefined) strTitle = " ";
scriptColData.columns("EbookTitle").value = strTitle;
if (strSeries == undefined) strSeries = " ";
scriptColData.columns("EbookSeries").value = strSeries;
if (strNum == undefined) strNum = " ";
scriptColData.columns("EbookSeriesNum").value = strNum;
if (strTags == undefined) strTags = " ";
scriptColData.columns("EbookTags").value = strTags;
if (strYear == undefined) strYear = " ";
scriptColData.columns("EbookYear").value = strYear;
function readCache(scriptColData, itemHash) {
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject");
if (Script.Config["use_cache"] == true) {
var cacheData = fso.OpenTextFile(cachePath, 1, true, 0);
if (!cacheData.AtEndOfStream) {
var content = cacheData.ReadAll();
arrCache = content.split(/\r\n|\n/);
for (i=0; i < arrCache.length; i ++) {
if (arrCache[i].search(itemHash) > -1) {
cacheResult = String(arrCache[i]);
return true;
return false;
function readCalibre(scriptColData){
var cmd = DOpus.Create.command;
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject");
var tmpFolder = fso.GetSpecialFolder(2);
var tmpName = fso.GetTempName();
var tmpFile = tmpFolder + "\\" + tmpName;
cmd.RunCommand("\"" + pathCalibre + "\\ebook-meta.exe\" " + "\"" + scriptColData.item.realpath + "\"" + " > " + tmpFile);
var tmpDataFile = fso.OpenTextFile(tmpFile, 1, 0);
if (!tmpDataFile.AtEndOfStream) {
var content = tmpDataFile.ReadAll();
arrLines = content.split(/\r\n|\n/);
cmd.RunCommand("DELETE ALL NORECYCLE QUIET \"" + tmpFile + "\"");
return true;
function OnScriptConfigChange() {
function OnAboutScript(aboutData){
dlg = DOpus.Dlg;
dlg.window = aboutData.window;
dlg.title = scriptName + " " + scriptVersion;
dlg.message = scriptName + " v" + scriptVersion + "\t\t\t\t" + scriptDate + "\n\n" + scriptDesc + "\n\n" + scriptCopyright;
dlg.buttons = "Close";
dlg.icon = "info";;