On responding to your invitation to upgrade to DOpus 12 all my attempts fail with Error 0x8000FFF. Ihave tried various solutions suggested on Googling "0x8000FFF" and your own topic responses with no success. I am running Windows 10 on a desktop. Please advise.
Which version are you using currently?
You can download the installer from our website if the download option in your version of the program isn't working.
Note that the upgrade from older versions (Opus 10, 11, etc.) to newer (Opus 12) is not free.
No success. Still getting same error.
You're getting the "0x8000FFF" error from our website, in your web browser?
i.e. When downloading from https://www.gpsoft.com.au/DScripts/download.asp ?
It was version 12 but the program has disappeared when I tried to install a new version.
Have you downloaded the installer from our website, or are you still trying to use the built-in updater?
Please download it from our website and run that: https://www.gpsoft.com.au/DScripts/download.asp
(Note: This is a public forum, so please don't post your registration code in messages! I've edited that out of the previous post, and linked your forum account to your registration code for you.)
I cannot use the built in updater as the DOpus programme disappeared when I first attempted to upgrade. I have downloaded 4 times now from GP website but still unable to install programme due to 0x8000FFF error.
The additional error message is: kernel\serviceprovider.cpp (12)
That's usually caused by one of two things:
Antivirus getting in the way of the installer.
The Windows account is messed up and breaking some installers. A few people have seen this in the last year or so, with the Opus installer and some others. We don't know the cause, but a solution is to temporarily create and use a fresh Windows account to run the installer, after which it will work again.
Those are explained in more detail in this guide:
Have tried:
Downloading from GP website with Norton anti virus and firewall disabled on Chrome and MS Edge
Set up a new MS account and attempted download
Cleared GP Software folders in Windows\Program files and Windows\ProgramFiles (86) and repeat.
No success
Consider myself an "intermediate techie" but it looks as if, regrettably I may have to abandon DOpus - one of the most useful file management programs I have been using for a number of years.
Please let me know if you have any other ideas.
Never let this happen
Ask a friend to download it for you.
I have tried to download DOpus from your website on my laptop (Windows 10) with the same error message.
Is this a Window 10 problem?
I'm not sure the problem is with the download. It sounds like the download is completing, but you're then getting an error message when running the installer?
You can check the installer's digital signature if you're worried it has not fully downloaded. Instructions on that are linked from the guide.
The error you're seeing may also be the result of your Windows account being messed up in some way. Other people who have seen the same error have solved the problem by installing the update from another Windows account.
This just means creating another username on the same computer you are using now. It only takes a couple of minutes and you don't need another person to do it. (It's another account for you; not another person's account.) Follow the instructions in the guide I linked and you can make another account by yourself. Then log in to other account on your machine (instead of your main account), and run the installer from that account and it should work. You can then switch back to your main username and everything will be working.
Unfortunately I have had no success installing Directory Opus 12 1) from another account on my desktop or 2) from my laptop (also running Windows 10).
Is it worth trying to download and install an earlier version of DOpus?
Please download this: http://leo.dopus.com/temp/Opus_12_17.zip
Extract it to somewhere (e.g. your Desktop folder)
Double-click OpusInstallRelease_full.vbs
You should then see a UAC prompt. Click Yes to that. After a few moments, the new version should appear.
Does that work OK?
Note that this only updates the 64-bit version, and only works over the top of an existing install, not as a fresh install.
Before I do this please note that in the process of upgrading my existing DOpus 12 it was uninstalled so that now I do not have DOpus installed on this computer. In which case is your advice valid?
If you've uninstalled entirely then you'll need to run the installer; the script above won't work on its own as it doesn't do everything the installer does.
If you want to try an older installer, 12.14 is here: http://leo.dopus.com/temp/DOpusInstall_12.14.exe
No success with this download either.
If I can find another computer to successfully install Directory Opus 12, how do I transfer it to my desktop (Windows 10)?
Is it a matter of transferring all files in the ProgramFiles (x86)\GPSoftware\DirectoryOpus folders to the equivalent on my computer? Or does the registry need a tweak as well?
I would probably try reinstalling Windows at this point.
Presumably you have yourself tried downloading DOpus 12 on a computer running the latest Windows 10 update.