Error 0x8000FFF on attempting to install

This is a bit of a long shot, but we've tweaked some attributes of the installer related to Windows compatibility settings and made a test version here:

If you're still seeing the problem, it might be worth a try. Please let us know if it makes a difference.

(The version it installs is 12.17.4, but it's different to the normal installer for that version.)

Disabled Norton Autoprotect and Smart Firewall. No success with installation I'm afraid. Still same error message.

Thanks for giving that a try.

Have you tried Porpoise's suggestion of setting the installer to Windows 7 Compatibility? We don't normally recommend that, but if none of the usual solutions work, it's worth a try.

No success with trying to install Windows 7 compatibility version

Thanks for trying! It's very odd that none of the solutions that worked for others are working there. We'll pass on any others if we become aware of them.

We're still working on a new installer to replace the old InstallShield one, and where if things do go wrong we'll be better placed to diagnose exactly what is happening (since it will be all our own code).

Hope you are successful. I am missing Directory Opus. I am reluctant to reinstall Windows 10 as it seems to be working well in all other respects and it usually takes 2 or 3 days to reinstall all my programs!

I have now successfully downloaded and installed: Advanced System Repair Pro, Windows 10 Wizard, Belarc Adviser, Open Shot Video Editor and Salamander. But yet again failed with Directory Opus 12 with error. 0x800FFF. There must be some bug in your software.

The problem is it's not our software. The installer is made by another company and we don't know why it's failing for you.

Hope you can resolve the issue soon!

I have now successfully re-installed Directory Opus 12 v 2.16 x64 on my desktop. I did this by copying the folder ProgramFiles(x86)\GP Software\Directory Opus and sub folders from the files on another desktop and running the program.
It is still offering an update on opening but I am hesitant to do this for reason explained ad nauseum above.
Please advise.

Same problem here. Running Windows 10 64-bit. Tried to install the latest update, installed failed with the error being discussed here. Directory Opus no longer working on my machine. Please fix the problem or change to an installed that works on Windows 10 64-bit.

We're working on a completely new installer, but it's still a while away. And there's no guarantee that whatever has gone wrong with the Windows installs / accounts won't go wrong with another installer. (It is affecting other software's installers as well, after all.)

The real issue is that something is breaking people's Windows installs / accounts in some way which makes Windows start telling the installer it's on a 32-bit OS.

The solutions listed in Problems installing Opus have worked for almost everyone. Please try those.