Regarding USB export using Dopus11 on a 64bit Win7 pc:
When I either export to 32bit or both (64bit+32bit) and try to run Dopus on a 32bit XP pc from the USB stick I get an error message not being able to initialize.
I never tried it with the previous Dopus10 since I added USB functionality when upgrading.
Is this a common issue with perhaps known solutions?
While I'm here anyway: is it allowed to install my older Dopus10 on a second computer instead of trashing the license?
Does it run on the PC where you exported DO (exit installed DO - not just closing all listers - and run USB-DO)?
No, you need a full license for each PC (you're allowed to use each license also on 1 laptop/tablet), so an upgraded license is the same and cancels the older one (DO v10 will run with your v11 license).
Running dopus on the initial pc (on which I created the USB export) it indeed works ok.
Still having the 32-bits export on the flash drive I just tried again on the 32bit XP machine: still the error showing up.
I have to OK-click OK two of those exact same error messages away until I'm back in the Windows explorer window.
Attached a screendump of the error message.
Update: just tested on a Win7 laptop and 32bit Dopus runs fine from the USB drive.
First guess, right guess
Indeed it's an AMD Athlon XP 3200+ processor of the pre-SSE2 era, so véry, véry, véry old still wooden circuitry with flintstone registers embedded in amber housing (hmm, how old am I then?)
You were a bit fast with already "fixing" the installer before even having begot any confirmation of the processor type!
Good news is: it's working now!
USB stick contains both 32bit and 64bit and it's working on the 64-bit Win7 mother pc, the older 32bit XP (AMD) pc as well as on a 64bit Win7 laptop.
If possible the 64bit version is being chosen automatically and otherwise the 32bit version; works like a charm!