Error sound if something goes wrong?

Is there any option to enable a common error sound that is played if something unexpected was happen and the user attention is needed (e.g. file replace, copy failed, etc.).

That is very nice if DOpus is in the background and is busy with some long-term operations but the user does not see the dialogs.

Only for FTP transfers, at least as far as I can see/remember.

It would be nice to add this as potential improvement, because it would increase the convenience of unattended tasks.

I would like to see a lot more sound support in DOpus. It is now very limited.

For example, I would love to have an indicator of a completed file copy session. This is there for FTP, but not for local/network.

Working on my own in an office, I like to set sounds to signal that things are going on.

Such a facility would also be great for users with limited vision. Indeed, good sound support could open up a new market for DOpus.

I second the call for more sound support.

You can use the Play command to add your own sound to the end of functions if you want. I.e. edit whichever command you use to copy files (the toolbar button, or drag & drop, or the paste command) and add a command that plays the sound file of your choice following the Copy command.

Nice to know that it is possible. But why put people through that much aggro?

I have to go in and edit every one of these to get the thing to speak to me?

The core bits are in there already. If DOpus can scream when it does ftp stuff, why not other things?

We'll add it to the list but I can't say when/if it will be implemented, whereas this is a solution you could implement yourself, right now, if it's important to you.
I doubt you use all that many ways of copying files that it would take more than a couple of minutes.

I was looking for the same functionality which brought me here.

I created a new context menu item with the following function:

Play C:\Windows\Media\Alarm01.wav

Of course it would be nice if DO offers this as a standard feature. I copy large files often and would like to be notified when they're done copying.