Error when moving files

Whenever I move a large number of files I get numerous errors as follows: "An errror occurred moving 'FILENAME': The directory is not empty. (145)" When i click 'Retry' the operation completes successfully, until the next error occurs. It seems to occur more frequently when moving a large number of small files.

As these errors have made syncing drives a very tedious process, I installed Goodsync as a workaround. Goodsync moves terabytes of files between drives without a single error to date.

Can you think of any reasons why this error occurs in Dopus? I'm currently running Win8 Pro 64bit with 16GB RAM.


Does this involve a NAS or non-Windows network drive?

No, not NAS or non-Windows network drives. It occurs on all SATA drives that are connected to the motherboard, as well all USB 2.0 or 3.0 external drives.

I don't often move large structures but I have experienced the same symptoms when I do. Per the OP, clicking Retry always clears the road block.

Regards, AB

I've made a note to see if there are places where we remove directories without automatically retrying on error to work around problems caused by other things locking the directory, but if we can work out a way to reproduce the problem then that will make it easier to ensure we fix it, so:

Is the folder open in a Windows Explorer window, by any chance? I found some similar reports about other software which say Explorer can get in the way of deleting folders, which might be what's happening here.

Which anti-virus scanner (if any) do you use?

Which filesystem(s) are the drives where it happens? (And is anything unusual involved, e.g. TrueCrypt or BestCrypt virtual drives or similar?)

Leo, thanks for looking into this issue. To answer your questions:

  1. The folder isn't open in a Windows Explorer window.
  2. I'm using Kaspersky Internet Security 2013.
  3. File systems are all NTFS; no encrypted virtual drives or similar

I can confirm it sometimes happens to me at home and at work when deleting large number of files/folders. At both machines antivirus used is Windows 8 built-in MSE. Everything else is as others described (no Explorer etc.).
I don't think there is any consistent repro except keep trying to delete large amount of files and folders (mix) until it happens.

I'm pretty sure I've also experienced this problem more than once.

I have seen this in the past, seems like I could force it by moving a large directory tree of files from one drive to another in DO and then start another similar move in the other direction with Explorer. Have not seen it since I turned off lazy write on the drives.

Experience - a lesson from life discovered just after you most needed it.

I saw this the other night when moving a large folder structure between external USB drives... I also just hit Retry and everything resumes... It happened 3 times during the move of about 14 GB spread across something like 1500 folders and ~10,000 files.

1.) No Win Explorer
2.) Norton Internet Security 2012
3.) NTFS, no encryption or Compression enabled

The next update will have some changes which hopefully work around this problem.

Thanks Leo. I just refreshed my laptop image last night, and saw that the same error occurred trying to delete a folder from /programfiles. There really weren't even many files in the folder, and this was ~just a delete - not a move. As before, retry after the error continued the operation ok.

Old thread, but I am having the same problem making a large file transfer from an external 3.1 drive. My error is a 31, but it needs to be dismissed periodically, which dramatically slows the transfer process.

Error 31 (device not working properly) is different to anything in this thread before your post.

Do you see the same error when doing the same copy using File Explorer?

I haven't tried it with this transfer because it's a long transfer, from external drive to cloud drive... but I have not seen that error in file explorer at any point previously.

Presumably you haven't seen it in Opus previously either, or done the same kind of transfer in Explorer?

The "Error 31 (device not working properly)" message comes from the operating system. It's not something Opus is inventing. It's most likely to be an issue with the drive or USB controller, cable or drivers.

Could be external drive problem. You could try Drive test button and then try to wiggle the cable etc. to see if anything pops up.


  • Does only a sequential read/write test (but then you are doing exactly that here anyway).
  • Tests free space only (doesn't touch existing files, so it won't discover any errors there).
  • Write stage is fast but the verification stage is very slow for some reason on my PC with SSD.