Error with MPC-BE

I have some strange issue with the video player (default) MPC-BE and Opus.

Every time I want to open a video or music file it shows me an error with the path name to the file and then:
Not implemented

Nothing else. When you close that dialog by clicking OK, it immediately starts Windows Media Player and plays the file which is of course wrong as the MPC is set as default for the file type I'm opening.

This only happens with Opus Directory. If I go to the same files from Windows Explorer it opens the file without issues on MPC-BE.

Probably something messed up with the file types in the regsitry.

Try right-click on one of the files > Open With > Choose Default Program to fix things. That usually works.

If that doesn't work, go to Settings > File Types, then File > Diagnostic and send us the output for one of the types involved.

I already tried that before posting here. If I changed the default to D8Viewer which is Opus build in player, then it works fine. If I change it back to MPC-BE, same error.

I installed MCP-BE from day one on this system. It seems some update in Opus changed something that does not like this player.

How do I send the log files privately instead of posting them in the forums?

I think I found the issue. When I go to Settings > File Types under those file types, the player is not listed. It seems to be listed on Windows but not in Opus. I guess changing that will fix the issue. Instead in Opus only D8Viewer and Windows Media are listed. I had no idea about that Setting in Opus. I'm sure this is the issue, I will try changing all media file types in Opus manually.

Thank you!

In your registry, it sounds like the file types don't actually exist, only the overrides of the non-existent types. I think Explorer works with that, but Opus checks if the type exists first, and won't check for overrides if it doesn't.

There's usually nothing private in the file type diagnostics, unless the software you have installed is sensitive in itself. They're just zipped text files so you can look at what's inside them.

You can send them via private message if you want.

It was my mistake :slight_smile:

But I did solve it thanks to your tips. I was not able to browse to the app to select the files when it hit me why. There was no property dialog to select the app path...because...

The app was installed as a Windows UWP app, but the reason I never spotted this before is that it doesn't show in the Windows Store. I have no idea how I installed it, usually UWP apps show in your MS account, but not this one.

I installed the traditional Windows x64 version and now everything works perfectly as expected.