Evaluator Columns' Example feature: wrong output

Wrong output in Example column:

While this same EvalCol (named "Modified" here) works fine in Lister:

Column XML
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<evalcolumn align="1" attrrefresh="yes" autorefresh="yes" category="date" customgrouping="yes" foldertype="all" header="Modified" keyword="modifiedfriendlyplus" maxstars="5" namerefresh="no" reversesort="yes" title="Modified (friendly+)" type="7">if (operation == &quot;display&quot;)
	today = Now();
	mod_date = DatePart(modified, &quot;date&quot;);
	if (mod_date == DatePart(today, &quot;date&quot;))
		return LanguageStr(5794) + &quot; &quot; + DatePart(modified, &quot;time&quot;); // &quot;Today&quot;

	yesterday = today - 60 * 60 * 24;
	if (mod_date == DatePart(yesterday, &quot;date&quot;))
		return LanguageStr(5795) + &quot; &quot; + DatePart(modified, &quot;time&quot;); // &quot;Yesterday&quot;

return modified;

I suspect it's due to string=>DateTime / DateTime=>string conversion, or LanguageStr() usage, since it happens only on Today+Yesterday files.


Eval code can be as simple as this to demo the bug:

" " + DatePart(modified, "time")
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<evalcolumn align="1" attrrefresh="yes" autorefresh="yes" customgrouping="no" foldertype="all" keyword="modified4" maxstars="5" namerefresh="no" reversesort="no" title="Modified4" type="7">&quot; &quot; + DatePart(modified, &quot;time&quot;)</evalcolumn>

If you set the column type to be date/time then Opus will try to interpret it as a date. If you want to return a string, set the column type to a string.

But it does work fine in Lister that way.
If you use "Text" type, you lose your system's Date/Time formatting options and now have to perform it yourself, which is undesired (I want to inherit as many defaults as possible).

Overall, I think you should relax the rules for Example column a bit, to line them up with Listers display.