Evaluator columns issues/questions

Wanted to convert a column from Jscripting to the new Evaluator to make it faster, and got a few questions:

  • can you read user config using Evaluator to e.g. define some column formatting conditions there instead of directly in the evaluator script?
  • can you edit Evaluator columns in the convenience of your own text editor with refresh on save just like Jscripts rather than the tiny text box (ideally both since that box is tiny, but helpful with autocompletes)?
    • very rudimentary yes, evalcols.oxc file contains code, but for all the evaluator columns, and without autorefresh on save, and also with even the simplest symbols like " escaped as "
  • does it have access to various sh:year shell data mentioned Keywords for Columns [Directory Opus Manual]. When I start typing sh: it helpfully offers autocompletion, but then I get an Unknown value (6): sh error
    • get the value from autocompletion and then wrap it in myShChannelVar = Val("sh:channels") (without the $ sign) since you won't get autocompletion when filling in strings in Val
  • can you have some shared code for multiple columns that would be calculated once per item and then returned with minor variations of those commonly calculated values instead of having to repeat all the code for each column?
  • can you use common helper functions like you can use for Jscripts with modules/includes?


bit more informative :slight_smile:

Evaluator [Directory Opus Manual] (dopus.com)

Use Val() to access columns containing colons and slashes in their names:


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