Evaluators Scripts

I suggest creating a new category for Evaluators' Scripts in the forum. This is a great idea for several reasons.

Firstly, according to the documentation, evaluator scripts are a distinct type of scripting language that is not Turing complete. Thus they differ from normal scripts such as Jscript and native DO scripts.

Secondly, since evaluator scripts are a unique type of scripting language, good examples of such might get lost among the normal DO script traffic. Creating a new category could help these scripts stand out and get the attention they deserve.

Finally, evaluator scripts are simpler than the native scripting system. This simplicity could encourage users to learn scripting and achieve powerful results with less effort, due to the shorter debug cycle enabled by immediate feedback of results.

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The existing Buttons & Scripts area already has an evaluator tag you can filter on:



I strongly believe that creating a new category would significantly improve the user experience, particularly in encouraging new users to learn scripting from the more advanced user examples. Evaluators are intended to serve as "training wheels" for those interested in scripting, and making them more readily accessible would be highly beneficial.

We generally try to avoid adding too many distinct categories, mainly because people are often not good at assessing which category a post belongs in and we end up having to shift posts around all the time.