Executing not through shell


is there a possibility to execute a programm without calling CMD?

I want to open the XML Notepad on left double click on a XML file: I made a File Type Group for this and used

"{alias|home|\}\Programme\XML Notepad 2007\XmlNotepad.exe" {f}

which works great (and portable) but every time the dos box get's opened..


Set the button type to something other than MS-DOS Batch and you won't see any DOS box when it's run.

Generally the MS-DOS Batch button type is only used when you're running command-line programs and you want to see their text output. If you just want to run a command with some arguments then the button can be one of the other types.

(You can also run MS-DOS Batch buttons without a window appearing by setting the run mode to Hide, but in this case you can avoid the DOS button type completely which is better.)

OK. I should have seen that :blush: - THANK YOU