Expand library

You can assign labels to each drive via Preferences which can re-color the icons and/or text of them.

Alternatively, you can assign completely different icons to each drive if you wish.

If you need more help with the icons, please start a separate thread for that topic, to keep things organised.

After expanding the branch, use Settings > Set As Default Lister and it should be saved. (This is assuming it's the default lister which is being loaded, and not something else like a layout. If you're not doing anything special then it is usually the default lister.)

Note that only the expansion of the top-level branches is saved. So the "Libraries" branch can be saved open, but the individual libraries below it will be collapsed. (If you want to open with something deeper expanded by default, one way to do it is to save it as the starting folder, and make sure Preferences / Folder Tree / Options / Expand selected branch is on. A script add-in may be able to expand arbitrary branches/depths too, if needed, although I would have to check the idea to confirm that for sure.)

(See Jon's post just above mine for another potentially important detail.)