Expandable and Collapsible Folders

Hello, I'm using directory opus 12.33.

I'm going through documentation and found this page and another page which shows a feature in the file pane to expand/collapse folders to show their contents indented. However, I can't find find this in the Preferences menu. I've tried searching every sub-menu, searching for variations of "expand" "expansion" etc., but I can't get "expandable folders" like the documentation shows. How can I get this feature within Directory Opus? I recently downloaded it primarily to access this feature.

The first link has an image which shows the feature I want. I can include other examples but I've reached the link limit.

If Directory Opus does not have this, I was thinking of writing my own file manager in Python to achieve this. However if I could write some kind of extension for Directory Opus, that may be preferrable to help others and build on what already exists.

Thank you for your time.

It's in the Folder menu in Opus v13.

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