Expanded folders path support

Since dopus can show expanded folders, I think it would be cool if the internal commands support it:

Take the following example:

If I want to create an archive with the selected files inside the expanded folder, as of now, the archive will be created in the sourcetab path/folder. But I would rather to create it inside the expanded folder (subfolder).

Maybe the internal command could have an EXPANDED argument:


Is it possible in the future?

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You can pass the first selected file's path as the destination.

Interesting. How can I do this?

I figured it out. Well, actually ChatGPT did.

Copy ARCHIVE=.7z TO={filepath|..}
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However, it doesn't work with the MOVE command, as for each selected file it asks the new directory name, instead of asking just once:

Copy MOVE TO={filepath|..} CREATEFOLDER QUEUE=none

The following code works but not as the original New Folder prompt that 1) blocks invalid characters and 2) has the modifier key features along the OK button

@set NewFolderName={dlgstring|Enter the name of the new folder:|My New Folder}
Copy MOVE TO={filepath|..} CREATEFOLDER="{$NewFolderName}" QUEUE=none
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Support++ the suggestion of @opusentusiast.

Expanded folders look like open folders but do not function equivalently so a source of confusion.

Eactly my pain, too!

And I understand the problem behind when it comes to determine the target (folder) when doing some file operations, especially in dual lister mode.

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As of now, I am using some scripts to the basic Create, Archive and Extract functions:

Expanded Folders Supported Functions - Buttons/Scripts - Directory Opus Resource Centre

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