Expanding the folder tree through This PC instead of Profile


Go /profile\MyFolder

will expand the folder tree if Preferences / Folder Tree / Expand/Collapse / Automatically expand to current folder is checked


Profile is checked in Preferences / Folder Tree / Contents.

If Profile is not part of the folder tree content the tree will not expand at all, although it could via the C: drive in This PC.

Is there a way to enable this?

If the Profile branch is turned off in the tree and you then navigate to it, it should be added to the tree automatically and temporarily. That's what happens here, at least.

(If you're already under Profile when it's turned off in Preferences, you might need to navigate away and then back again for it to happen.)

Yes, it gets added unless Display under the Desktop item is checked.

Cloud storage folders will suffer the same fate when turned off and displayed under the desktop.

I think I'd prefer an expansion through This PC over the other options even when they are part of the tree. Well, a minor thing.

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