Would it be possible to have option to export Folder Aliases from the Preferences / Frequently Used Paths / Folder Aliases panel in a .csv format? and\or a Copy Aliases button\context option? such as the hotkey panel has.
i would be helpful to have a text format as reference for some other softwares.
e.g. with listary i use the batch add to match my dopus alaises
You can find them in /dopusdata\ConfigFiles\folderaliases.oxc, although it's an XML format rather than CSV, it'd be about as easy to process into the format you need (based on the screenshot).
var csv = 'item,item.path\r\n';
for (var e = new Enumerator(DOpus.aliases); !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) {
var item = e.item();
var line = item + ',' + item.path;
csv += line + '\r\n';
Alas I'm no good at scripting. After 4 years of dopus I'm just figuring out it's internal > command set and how to apply them to buttons. Feeling like a power users. thanks to v13 auto intellisense suggestions that starting to make sense. Loving it too
And at @Itisi I ended up opening the .oxc in Excel, was able to copy the list out of a table in just a couple seconds. .... I noticed in ur screen shot the file address has neon/home in it... Are you some running dopus on KDE Linux? I have that in this computer as well. If dopus, everything and a decent music player worked in linux i would have dropped windows a few years ago. Lol. kde is great.
@xavierarmand I got all this from a "how-to" article out of my PKM. Researched it a while ago (last year?) and made note of the procedure. So the screenshot isn't mine. Otherwise same here: if I could run some essential programmes on Linux (I use a dual boot machine) I also would have left Windows behind ...