Export Folder Aliases Feature Request

Would it be possible to have option to export Folder Aliases from the Preferences / Frequently Used Paths / Folder Aliases panel in a .csv format? and\or a Copy Aliases button\context option? such as the hotkey panel has.

i would be helpful to have a text format as reference for some other softwares.
e.g. with listary i use the batch add to match my dopus alaises


You can find them in /dopusdata\ConfigFiles\folderaliases.oxc, although it's an XML format rather than CSV, it'd be about as easy to process into the format you need (based on the screenshot).

ha! was just looking at this file in Notepad++, try to figure out how to copy or convert it to a simpler table.

Scripts can enumerate the aliases via the DOpus.aliases property, so you could write a simple script to output the list in any format you want.

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var csv = 'item,item.path\r\n';

for (var e = new Enumerator(DOpus.aliases); !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) {
    var item = e.item();
    var line = item + ',' + item.path;
    csv += line + '\r\n';


There's LibreOffice Calc that can convert an XML file into a spreadsheet:

  1. Open your LibreOffice Calc
  2. Go to main menu Data > XML Source
  3. A dialog appears > press Open Folder button there > open the XML file
  4. The dialog will show you the summary of the content of the XML file

  1. The result is the data from sitemap. xml is added to your sheet

Thank @lxp I'll check it out

Alas I'm no good at scripting. After 4 years of dopus I'm just figuring out it's internal > command set and how to apply them to buttons. Feeling like a power users. :rofl: thanks to v13 auto intellisense suggestions that starting to make sense. Loving it too

And at @Itisi I ended up opening the .oxc in Excel, was able to copy the list out of a table in just a couple seconds. .... I noticed in ur screen shot the file address has neon/home in it... Are you some running dopus on KDE Linux? I have that in this computer as well. If dopus, everything and a decent music player worked in linux i would have dropped windows a few years ago. Lol. kde is great.

@lxp this is great! its get the built in shortcuts as well, the folderaliases.oxc only contains user defined list. thank you!

@xavierarmand I got all this from a "how-to" article out of my PKM. Researched it a while ago (last year?) and made note of the procedure. So the screenshot isn't mine. Otherwise same here: if I could run some essential programmes on Linux (I use a dual boot machine) I also would have left Windows behind ...