Extend Select (RANGE?) to allow jumping up/down by N items

Given that there is currently no bug-free option to create a partial PageUp/Down clone with the new Expandable folders:

  • move up/down by a user-adjustable number of items
  • with/without deselection of existing selection
  • with/without selection of the jumped-over items
  • without wraparound (stop at first/last item)
  • without performance penalty in large folders that scripting suffers due accessing total item counts
  • without buffering executions on key hold (though this request is unlikely to help resolve this, there is a separate issue)

with JScript (see Get focused item's index without iterating over the collection of items - #7 by errante), I'd like to ask for an extension of the Select command (maybe Select Range) that would allow with a single command to jump by X items up/down with the properties listed above

What's wrong with the normal page up/down keys or various other standard methods of scrolling the file list?

Their jump range is either too low (1) or too high, that's why some apps have a half_page_up/down command (but nothing beats a simple user configurable number). Mouse/scroll bar lose the convenience of a single button without moving your hand

It could also help with some file batching operations where you need custom precision (e.g., move every 10 files in a subfolder), but to me it's mostly about more convenient (and consistent) navigation