Extend Vector with a check if it has a value

You can extend JS array to allow for a nice check whether it contains an item like myarray.has("check_item"); via

Array.prototype.has = function(obj) { // Extend array to check if it has a value
  var i = this.length;
  while (i--) {if (this[i] === obj) {return true;}}
  return false;

Is this possible for Vector?

The Maps and Sets are generally better if you need a container you can quickly test for an element. Vector requires going through each item instead.

I wanted to use a map for this exact reason, but then user configs don't support them, you at most can have a vector
Though another issue with maps is that they don't support case-insensitive matches, which is useful to ignore case from user input

(guess, might just as well convert user vector to a lowercase map)