Extract File names to a text file

I have a large accumulation of files in one directory. I would like to extract the names of each file into a text or database file. My reason to do this is to compare this list with another database file looking for duplicates. I have not seen this ability in Opus but then you never know.

After giving this some thought I thought I saw something about print that was posted by Leo. Going back to that article he give it a try.


Print folder worked better than perfect.

I was able to find a perfect solution for my issue. I needed to capture every filename in a directory into a text file. Here is how I accomplished the project of 6000+ files. I took less than two minutes to accomplish:

windows7themes.net/how-to-copy-f ... -text.html

  1. Open the Windows Explorer (Windows key + E)
  2. Browse to your folder with all the files, e.g. C:\Users[yourusername]\Pictures
  3. Click on the address bar, select it and copy the entire address via CTRL + C (hold both)
  4. Open up a command prompt (click on the link if you don’t know how)
  5. Enter cd, then hold CTRL + V to insert the address that we copied into our clipboard in step 3.
  6. Hit enter
  7. Enter DIR /B /O:N > filenames.txt (filenames.txt is the name of the txt file)
  8. Now open the folder where your files are stored and open the text file filenames.txt
  9. Congratz, you have just copied all file names from a folder and stored them into a text file.

Should you want to copy files names not only from a folder, but from sub-folders as well, you simply add a /S for subdirectories to the command: DIR /B /O:N /S > filename.txt


If you just want a list of filenames, and don't want to use the Print/Export Folder tool in Opus, you can instead use the items in the Edit menu for copying all the selected filenames to the clipboard. Much quicker/easier than using a command prompt, and it will also avoid problems with Unicode filenames which the command prompt has.

That's exactly what I was looking for in my original question back in February. When I found a solution for my problem I wanted to share it. Imagine how surprised I am finding that it has always been here just wait for me to discover it. Back in February I thought Opus might have something for this issue. I guess I was right. Thanks again Leo.