Extracting archives > Eliminate duplication of root folder (like 7zip)

Some archives contain files directly, some contain a folder with content.
If you extract those with a folder with =sub you get a duplicated root folder:

At first I thought it's a bug, because I always used 7zip to extract archives and it has a feature to avoid this:

I didn't notice yet, but I can't live without that feature :smiley:
So I'm trying to do that with a button, but I can't get it to work.
I tried checking if the archive contains only one folder and then if, move it's content up, but I don't know how.
Or should I rather command line to 7zip somehow to do the extraction?
Can you help me?

Basic solution

Expanded solutions


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Thank you, I tried the enhanced button, but it also stays disabled even with a zip file selected, so I can't really test it right now..

The "features" of the enhanced one sound good, but not quite what I want :smiley:
I guess I'll try to make my own.
Can you get the dir that's created by Copy EXTRACT=sub in script?