Fast access windows in dopus does not has pin icons

from the picture below, you can see that explorer has pin icons, but dopus does not has

is it possiable to display pin icons for dopus ? thanks!

Why? They serve no purpose other than to tell you the folders are in Quick Access, which is self-evident when you're looking at Quick Access.

At least, you can't click them in File Explorer to do anything, as far as I can tell. They seem to be visual clutter with no actual purpose, unless I'm missing something.

(Opus also already uses pins in the folder tree to let you pin branches open so they never get collapsed, so we'd probably not want to use actual pin icons here to avoid confusion with that.)

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thanks for reply,
in explorer.exe, some folders in the quick access are just visited recently , so they have no pin icons (see picture below)
the pin icon can tell you whether the folder was pinned,
if a folder have not been pinned , i can pin it in its right-click menu,
so i think pin icons is useful

AFAIK we don't show those unpinned folders in Opus. (We have a separate Smart Favorites system for that kind of thing, as a separate list.)

we don't show those unpinned folders in Opus.

no,opus show them. see pictue below
by the way , i find a issue that i have two same-name pinned folders, but only one is shown in quick access of toolbar , see pictue below

I must have configured Windows to not add random folders to Quick Access, in that case.

The list looks unusable with all that clutter added in. Why not turn it off in Windows, and use Opus’s Smart Favorites if you want something similar that doesn’t make a mess of Quick Access?