When I browse big directories, it takes a few seconds to read them. I know path and sometimes i want to enter fast few folders using FAYT. For example - C:\testdata\secondfolder\thirdfolder\
So I type "test" and ENTER ("testdata" contains lot of files and folders), then I type "seco" while Opus reading content of folder and... FAYT field is cleared after folder content was read and display. Is any chance to made a small fix to prevent that FAYT field from disappear when user type some letters before DO reads directory?
We haven't looked into this yet. You can assume all posts get read; we just don't always reply until we have something useful to say.
How long it takes can also depend on what else we're working through (which is a huge amount due to just releasing 12.1 and getting a load of feedback), how easy it is to confirm/reproduce/address, and whether your account is linked or not. But there are no hard & fast rules, as we're triaging and working on hundreds of suggestions and reports at once.
Hmmm, 12.2 is released and I'm still on evaluation waiting for at least some bugfixes or improvement I reported - this one, FTP go up problem with separate single listers while copying, copy dialog stealing focus (reported by other user), range of bar graph, queuing delete operations etc. I don't must have everything, of course, some of them are just non important improvements, but at least will be nice to get answer like "yes, we fix that" or "no, we have no plans to made that option". I want to know that I'll buy product which works good as I expected. Thank you for understanding.
Please be patient. We address a lot of issues very quickly, but we cant do everything instantly. 12.2 is intended as a quick update to fix a few things kots of people were having trouble with, and add a few quick features. More substantial updates are on the way, but I can't say which order we will do things in as it depends on many factors.
Most software companies would not have fixed anything at all yet so soon after a big release, and most would not respond directly to forum posts as we do. Please don't take us fixing other issues as meaning we are ignoring yours. We can't do them all at once.
The bugs are on our list (first we have to confirm and reproduce them, then we will fix them if applicable).
Bar graph range is unlikely to be added soon, unless more people ask for it. Delete queueing is also unlikely to be added soon (maybe in the longer term). The rest should be addressed as we work through our list.
Thank you for reply. I understand and good that I know what will be updated and what not. This bar graph range is not imporant at all - may be nice feature but you're right that probably only for me. Unlike "delete queuing" - I read some requests before on this forum for some previous versions of Opus and I think this will be very easy to do - even without automatic detection at first it may be useful (for example - only from custom button with special command that adds delete to queue). But it's of course your choice.
[quote="leo"]Most software companies would not have fixed anything at all yet so soon after a big release, and most would not respond directly to forum posts as we do. Please don't take us fixing other issues as meaning we are ignoring yours. We can't do them all at once.
I think your support is outstanding and commendable guys. I'm wondering how you can respond to so many requests, even on the weekend/holiday while still finding time to develop your app:) Also, in most cases the response time is exteremly short!
For those, who don't agree, you should try the support of a big company like Microsoft. As a short sidenote, here is my experience with the Microsoft-Support: After dozens of mails and phone calls, I had to state my credit card number. I was told it's free if it's really a bug and if not, I have to pay several hundred dollars. It turned out it was a bug in the product, but instead of just fixing it, they asked me how many dollars my company is loosing every day just because of this bug? We're a small team, so the number wasn't high enough for MS to even consider fixing this. Instead, they told us to wait for and buy the next version, (for full price, no discount!) and maybe, but just maybe this will be addressed then. Seriously, that's not what I would call customer friendly, so I'm done with big companies!
Sorry for getting off-topic, but that's why we rely on smaller companies by now. They mostly care much more about their customers and product and I just want to say keep up the good work, I love working with DOPUS every day!
Thank you. I'll check it later after installing new version.
BTW. I know that is OT, but should I report ths (Keeping jobs bar visible - error) in "Help & Support" or "Script & Plugin Development" is ok for that and I just must wait for answer? I think this time is not my lack of knowledge but simply bug.
Really, list of "to do" will be so welcome - so people should know is they wish / report on "to do" list, is closed, finished or not even considered to be made.