I changed the lines mentioned above and it seems to fix NEWTAB issue, but the problem with symbols from different charsets still occur. And as far as I can see, the way it behaves on particular system depends on system default charset, Windows Latin (1252) in your case and Windows Cyrillic (1251) in my case. I've managed to make it accept Cyrillic symbols by changing code page from 1252 to 1251 in the line a[a.length] = "chcp 1252"; , WE symbols(e.g. prüfung) still are not accepted, the same happens with Japanese kanji(same error as in my previous post).
Here are my cmd and out files with codepage set to 1252. $es.cmd
My default code page is 850. I originally forced 1252 to deal with non-ASCII Western European characters but as you point out that won't work for everyone. I will add a code page configuration option and post an update once I'm able to edit the head post. Maybe someone who is more familiar with this could advise if there is a better way.
It turns out it wasn't. I have updated to v1.7 in the head post.
Since posting this code a long time ago I have actually rewritten from scratch, to leverage enhancements in newer versions of es.exe and a better grasp of JavaScript and DOpus objects. From memory I don't think there is any new functionality but when time permits I'll have a look and possibly post.
I installed your script and find it to be a valuable addition to Opus, well done! I have a question for you, however. When I do a search for a file that exists on my computer, it works well, and as it should.
When I search for a file that is not on my computer, it seems as if it does nothing. I realize that in the background it is actually performing the search, and that the results come up empty. But when it first happened to me, I thought the program es.exe or maybe your script had stopped working as they should. There was simply no indication that the search came up empty, or that the search was even performed.
Is there a way to alter the script so that a search that yields no results at least opens the coll:everything pane and shows that there are no results?
I am reluctant to make that change in the current code. I plan to publish version 2 in the not too distant future and I will make it a configurable option. In the meantime, if you delete or comment out (add a // prefix) line 209 that will do what you want.