Fastest - "Best" LAN Sharing - FTP vs Network Location (SMB) vs LAN software?
I've set up (NON-Workgroup) successful resource sharing between 2 @ w7 and 2 @ w10 machines running behind a Trendnet GB Ethernet switch - all wired (no wireless).
I had to make use of numerous tutorials to understand & attend to all the settings -
from Properties > Sharing/Security, Services settings, several Group Policy settings,
Enable Additional Windows Settings like SMB, etc etc.
According to dOpus, I average 10 MB/sec for a mix of both compressed and non-compressed data,
plus large AV files and folders.
[* Am I reading this right? That's 10 megaBYTES / sec, or approx 80 megaBITS / sec. ]
Comparing this LAN speed to my AT&T speed via Ookla SpeedTest,
I seem to be getting the promised AT&T WAN performance on my LAN.
I've only had semi-reliable file/folder resource-sharing (no printer sharing)
for a couple days, but it's got me wondering what the "better way" might be?
b/c sometimes the Network Locations take awhile to populate -
though I believe I've attended to the pertinent settings in dOpus > Preferences,
and today I wondered why I was able to share resources
but unable to successfully ping the same machine serving resources?
So, I remember that many dOpus users report how happy they are
to be able to FTP from dOpus, and I want to ask how FTP would compare
as a LAN resource-sharing method, vs Window Network Location/Map a drive (SMB)?
Am I comparing apples to apples, or apples to oranges?
I'd like to understand this in regards to several criteria --
speed, reliability of a consistent, dependable connection, and ease of use.
The 1st discussion points in my mind are the connection protocols -
basically TCP-IP - NetBIOS - SMB - FTP.
Several (freeware) LAN apps such as D-LAN, Dukto, Nitroshare, etc.
claim to make this step much easier/more reliable than MSoft's notorious procedures,
and this is also where I wonder how FTP compares?
Then next would come the actual data copying method APIs -
including RoboCopy.
Is it possible to use (optimally configured) RoboCopy as a data copying method,
in conjunction with the different network sharing protocols?
Thanks for any helps to understand these phenomena.