It's a nice option of the FAYT Filter mode to make the first item get selected which matches the filtered term, but the issue I'm having is that once I press Escape to dismiss the bar at the bottom, the file display scrolls back up to the top. So what's the problem?
The matched item looks selected but it actually isn't (its background is highlighted, but not with a border*), and it's out of view which isn't particularly useful to me. Also, when I press the down arrow key, one might presume the file display would scroll down to the item after whichever item was selected, but it in fact starts stepping from the very top (again, because of the border highlight I believe).
It appears to me that the intention here is that resetting back to the top of the file display is a good default behaviour, and it's reasonable, but the downside is that I cannot explore the surrounding items (files / folders) of my match without manually scrolling to them.
In short, a suboption for "Select first matching item" to scroll to the matched item (if any) once the bottom bar closes would be convenient. If no match, just reset (scroll) to the top like usual.
In case it matters, I have it configured so that the Filter Bar also opens ("Whenever a filter is set") when I start using the Filter mode (Filter mode is set as my default mode).
Also, I know I can press Return instead of Escape, but Return leaves me with the filtered results, which is useful, but not when I want to see the context of the item which was matched. E.g. My expectation would be that whichever item is highlighted when the bottom bar closes, keep it in view (even if its wasn't the first which was automatically selected).
(*By border highlight I mean: Select an item and then click in a blank area. The item no longer has its background highlighted, but a border remains around it.)
Edit: I can't think of a scenario where I wouldn't want the selected item to remain in view after pressing Escape, so perhaps it should just be the new default behaviour rather than an option? The only thing at the top which has some use is the ".." row (but its functionality seems shared by the back arrow, and the breadcrumb path). What's to say the top of the list is any more important than some other part? Could be missing something. Just a thought.
Directory Opus v13.6.1