FAYT script is always called when the FAYT field is closing

Is there any reason why a FAYT script is always called at least 2 times? And one of them is always when the FAYT field is closing.

I understand that it is a minor detail since you can always check if any value has been entered in the field or not, but I find it a bit curious and I wanted to bring it to your attention.

// FAYT_test

function OnInit(initData) {
	initData.name = "FAYT_test";
	initData.version = "1.0";
	initData.desc = "FAYT test";
	initData.default_enable = true;
	initData.min_version = "13.0";


// Called to add commands to Opus
function OnAddCommands(addCmdData) {
	var cmd = addCmdData.AddCommand();
	cmd.name = "fayt_test";
	cmd.method = "Onfayt_test";
	cmd.label = "fayt_test";
	cmd.hide = true;
	var fayt = cmd.fayt;
	fayt.enable = true;
	fayt.key = '%';
	fayt.backcolor = '#ffad5b';
	fayt.textcolor = '#000000';
	fayt.label = "fayt_test";
	fayt.realtime = true;

// Implement the fayt_test command
function Onfayt_test(scriptFAYTData) {
	DOpus.Output('fayt : "' + scriptFAYTData.fayt + '"');
	if (scriptFAYTData.fayt != "fayt_test") return;
	DOpus.Output('cmdline : "' + scriptFAYTData.cmdline + '"');
	DOpus.Output('suggest : ' + scriptFAYTData.suggest);
	if (scriptFAYTData.suggest)
		scriptFAYTData.tab.UpdateFAYTSuggestions(DOpus.Create.Vector('abc', 'bcd', 'cde', 'def', 'efg', 'ghi', 'hij', 'ijk', 'jkl', 'klm', 'lmn'));
	//if (scriptFAYTData.cmdline === '' || scriptFAYTData.quickey === scriptFAYTData.cmdline) return;

FAYT_test.opusscriptinstall (892 Bytes)


Thanks, we'll fix that in the next beta.