Think the below suggestions are not yet available, maybe something for future updates.
Add a few selection-criteria when searching for duplicates.
Like: keep longest filenames
and/or longest paths.
Mostly long filenames explain the contents of the files, users often have already renamed such files adding some
information to the name. When reorganizing things, the original -shorter- filenames may be copied back
(e.g. by a restore).
Example - duplicate search (delete mode) finds flwg files:
[_] short-filename.pdf d:\folder
[X] Long filename with info about contents.pdf D:\folder\subfolder\specialfolder
The 'specialfolder' has been created on earlier re-organizing actions.
Obviously, I would like to have the 2nd one to be kept and/or files that are stored in long folderpaths
instead of keeping them in a 'rootfolder'.
On conclusion, add:
Longest or shortest paths
Shortest or Longest filename
Newest or Oldest date
When deleting: add option to move to a specific folder (instead of the recycle bin), keeping tree-structure