Feature request - keep folder always scrolled to the bottom

I searched help and the forums and didn't find this topic. I also search the preferences for "scroll" and didn't find any settings which did this. So, if it's not available already, maybe this can be added to a future version. It would be really useful for certain situations.

Basically, I always use the option "UNCHECK: Sort newly created and copied files" so that files are always made on the bottom of the list.

So, I'll have some files coming into a folder and I leave the folder open so I can monitor them as they are added. The main problem is that I need to always SCROLL the window to always show those bottom files. The folder list already automatically updates when the new file is added. I just want the window to always be scrolled to the bottom automatically so I never have to move to the window to scroll down to be sure the files were added properly.

Again, if there is a way to do this, please tell me.

Otherwise, maybe add an option under "Sort newly created and copied files":
"Always keep the list scrolled to the bottom" OR something like that.
It may be even better to add this to a specific tab view. So some tabs can be shown with this feature and others not. And it would be nice to be able to make a button to toggle this on/off on the current tab easily. Globally would be in the preferences. Maybe you guys can figure out a better way to implement it than what I am suggesting. But basic idea is "Auto-scroll the window to the bottom as files are added to the bottom so all the new stuff can be seen automatically."

Maybe this will come in handy for a people who use Dopus to simply monitor incoming downloads/ftp/even basic copying procedures. I know it would certainly help me sometimes by not having to always scroll the window...

Small forum setup observation:
By the way, I don't know if it matters, but whem I newly created this forum user account yesterday, the setup asks what version of Directory Opus I own. It didn't have an updated option to pick between Opus 10 Light and Opus 10 Pro which you may want to keep track of for proper help.

What about sorting by modified or created timestamp, with most recent files at the top? (You can also set folders to appear below files, or mixed together, if you don't want the folders in the way at the top of the list.)

Putting the folders on the bottom helped. It works except now I need to check the setting: "Sort newly created and copied files" otherwise the files still go to the bottom.

I don't mind see the files show up on top but now I'm trying to figure out a way to easily toggle the folder creation setting. It would be nice to be able to set that for each tab because I really only want it active on the folder with the incoming files sorted reverse chronologically as you suggested.

Another idea which would be an alternate request is to have the new files/folders optionally get added to the top of the list instead of the bottom.

It all works but I still only want the auto-sort option to be on for only that tab for viewing incoming files while I still have it off for most other tabs.

I also tried opening a separate instance of Dopus (love the drag-to-desktop tabs now!) but the setting applies to both instances.

I guess I can open up Windows Explorer and do a reverse chronological sort while still using Dopus for everything else! Yup. That works.

So I guess the feature request has now become "make the newly created files/folders on the bottom" setting per tab instead of only global.

Oddly enough this very setting being removed from Windows 7 Explorer was "the last straw" and what made me finally buy Opus 9 (At the time I really didn't know Opus was as powerful as it is or I would have jumped ship a lot sooned!) Windows XP always put new files on the bottom. Macs ALWAYS sort files immediately which was a major pain when copying files into a folder with lots of other files. Then Winfows 7 forced everything to be automatically sorted with absolutely no way of turning that off except with a registry hack that messed a bunch of other stuff. Then when Directory Opus 10 was first introduced, the "auto-sort" option was GONE for a brief bit. I was upset but it was put back very quickly.

Anyways. It's actually an important setting (IMHO) and could probably use some extra functions like per tab setting and possible even auto-scroll to the bottom.

For now, I guess I'll just run a Windows Explorer Window to monitor downloads.

The sort column and whether folders come before, after or are mixed with files are both part of the folder format.

So you can turn off the option to add new items to the bottom of the list and instead save a folder format for your incoming folder so that it is always shown with the latest files at the top.

Yes, saving the folder format works for the incoming folder tab. I can have a tab with an incoming folder which is auto-sorted so that the files go to the top of the list. This is definitely a much better method than having the auto-scrolling thing I originally suggested. Thank you for helping me figure that part out.

Now, the only problem is that I want to do other things with directory opus while that tab sits there refreshing itself. I want to keep the setting: "Sort newly created and copied files" unchecked globally for all the other folders, so that new files/folders go to the bottom of those other directories as I continue working on them. As far as I can tell, since the "auto-sort" option is only a global option, if it is checked for the incoming folder then all the other folders also will be auto-sorting... which is annoying.

Is it possible to make it so only the "incoming" folder has the auto-sort option checked but keep other folders not be auto-sorted? That is why I thought of opening Windows Explorer for the incoming folder. Explorer always automatically sorts and doesn't disturb Opus settings. Then I can continue using Opus the way I want, without auto-sorting. It would be nice to not need to use Explorer and just have the incoming folder be a tab in Directory Opus. Did I explain the problem well enough? Or am I missing an easy solution to keep this all in Directory Opus? I tried different settings in folder options but none of them override the setting "Sort newly created and copied files" as far as I could tell.

So if this is not possible already, the feature request which would make the most sense would be to make an option to auto-sort each tab independently. It seems the best place to put this option would be in the "Folder Options"/ Display tab. Then it could be saved per folder and would override the global option.

It would also be nice to make the auto-sort option easy to toggle on/off with a button. I couldn't figure out a command to do that. I assume clicking a button to toggle the auto-sort option would override the global option for only that current folder, the same way clicking a column sorts only for that folder tab. Changing auto-sort globally would be done in the preferences as it is done currently. Maybe this can be done with a "SET" command?

Does this request seem reasonable? I certainly don't need it soon or anything since as I stated, I can sort chronologically in Explorer and not disturb Dopus global settings which works for now.

Update: Another solution would be to auto-refresh the incoming folder every minute (I don't see an easy way to do that). But that still doesn't seem to be as good as just using Windows Explorer for the incoming folder.

You shouldn't need the option to disable auto-sort at all here. (i.e. You can leave auto-sorting on all the time, everywhere.)

Make the incoming folder sort by Modified date and the newest files will always be at the top.

I don't want "auto-sort" on all the time, everywhere. I ONLY want auto-sort enabled for the incoming folder. The problem is that the auto-sort setting is global.

Maybe I didn't explain myself well enough in my last message?