Sorry if any of these have been discussed before, but, wondering about several things that often cramp my workflow, I thought I'd ask whether these features exist somewhere in Opus (or could sometime be added).
This is question 1 of 3.
Is it somehow possible to get a menu so that when right-clicking a file, a Copy menu pops up with a submenu containing all the columns (same column menu as when clicking the column bar)?
I can't count the times when I need to copy one particular attribute from a file.
AFAIK - we can't dynamically populate a context menu popup (say - via the scripting interface).
But I rather imagine we can write a script to launch a dialog to present you with various file meta attributes such that you could copy them to the clipboard or a variable or something. But even then, I'm not so sure you can 'enumerate' dynamically in order to show you everything that might or might NOT be part of the files meta attrs. I suppose we could write a script to look for all possible meta attrs...
If you provide a summary of the different meta attrs you find yourself working with often, perhaps that will cut down the scope of what someone has to work with in order to help you with a starter script?
@steje Thank you for sharing your thoughts about ways to achieve this.
When I have a bit of time, I'll look into writing a script function to achieve this with a button. As a start, a quick-and-dirty option would be to output some selected attributes to the console -- I attach a button that does just that.
But my thought was more "hey, isn't this something universally useful that everyone would like to have at their fingertips?". I could be completely wrong about that. Some File Data.dcf (3.16 KB)
This is something I also asked for at some time. It would be cool and handy if the scripting API had some method to access any column value DO already provides visually in the filedisplay. You could easily create some "right-click -> copy data from column(s)" button with this.
Many of the values the native columns provide can be fetched by using the various existing objects and methods of the API, but you'd need some kind of mapper for each and every column there is - a work intensive task which still would not give access to all values. It still won't help if you want to get values from scripted columns e.g. So some ..GetColumnValue() in some place and manner is what we'd like to see I guess. o)
@tbone yeah, scripted columns were on my mind too.
That list is being generated when we right-click the column header, so who knows, if we behave we might be given access at the API or Command level.