I'm not sure if I worded my issue properly but whenever a folder starts getting say over 300 video files in it the detailed custom info columns are agonizingly slow to fill in especially the duration of the file and its dimensions and Data Rate.
Then if you hit the back or up arrow by mistake when you enter the folder again its another 30 minute wait. And I have a fast computer that's not the issue.
I remember a year or 2 back it was preloading them I think or I found a setting that gave it a ton more cache to work with.
I'll dig around in the setting using search and see if I can fix it,
I went through every setting for close to an hour and changed about a dozen. I enjoy digging through setting but Dir Opus has a little to many, like 100 too many.
Good news is folders are loading all the file details in the columns I use(which is about 10 and could be slowing it down also) in about 1-2 minutes compared to 25-30 minutes for folders that were 4-5 TB in size and had anywhere from 2000-5000 video files in them. No Sub-folders either just one massive folder.
Everyone wants different settings. The vast majority of options, especially ones added in the last 10 years, were based on a request or problem someone had on this forum. Not that we do, can or want to implement literally every suggestion, but the things we add tend to be things people asked for.
Every project has its own balance, but we're learning much more toward providing options rather than a one-size-fits-all project. People who want the latter already tend to be happy with File Explorer.
You could remove the button to open Preferences entirely and assume someone else thought any option you might look for shouldn't have been there, and already had it removed in a previous thread, if you wish for that world.
Coding it the way you want is not that different then installing a program and instead of just being able to use it you have to go in the settings for an hour and change over 50 settings just to be happy with the way it works.
Theres programs with almost no settings by lazy developers but there are also programs by lazy developers with so many settings and customizations that you have to make the app yourself because they couldn't figure out how to make it good out of the box so just gave you ever setting and said here do it yourself, camouflaging it as a customization perk.