Having some difficulty with evaluator columns. Using the factory evaluator code, but it doesn't calculate the same as the factory folder format columns.
For example, I want to shorten the name of "aspect ratio" to "aspect". I have to use an evaluator column to do it.
So instead of having to do evaluator columns, in the File Display Columns / Appearance area, could we get a text field where we can type out a custom name for the column header please.
And could you divide the alignment, so there is a header alignment and also a content alignment. We could align the header to the center and the data to the left, etc.
And please add a checkbox, when enabled makes the sorting arrow bump the column wider so it doesn't truncate the header names please.
Columns are provided to the evaluator in the most logical type, but you can obtain the original text form by appending _text to the name (so e.g. aspectratio_text would return exactly the same string shown for the original column).
Just whatever length of words fit better with the length of the content.
I changed "Aspect Ratio" to "Aspect" because when I have only two digits the column header is way too wide. Looks stupid. And changed "Aspect Ratio Group" to "Orientation". That fits nicely with the size of the data.
It's supposed to be just me wearing my sweater hoodie. But the curves are wrong cause I can't draw with my mouse apparently. So it looks like that bandana thing that soldiers wear under a helmet or something. Too lazy to get out the pen tablet that's sitting right infront of me. Can't choose a colour scheme that doesn't look a circus either.
The sword is now too short cause the as ratio doesn't work with a long sword. It makes everything else too small. And now the hilt is too big, the alpha channel corrupts the colours on export... grrrr. I'm going to vectorize my other two logos as well.
If I could get gifs for an avatar pic that would be cherry. I would animate the light and make little sparkly stars. At least I fixed the oogly eyes.
You should start a new thread, this is getting confusing.
Edit Note: The Ratings column allows you to change ratings on the fly with your mouse.
You may find the status column useful, but it won't change your metadata and I don't know if it is possible to make an evaluator column that uses rating metadata and then displays status rating icons.
You're right about that not being pretty.
Is the 0 (zero) the star character index? If you could sneak in a Google emoji clock icon or something that would look better.
But I realized my error; that we only have one ratings metadata field to work with. And I want to keep using ratings, so I'm going to go with reading tags if I can. Thanks for the help so far.