File Filter... yet again

Hi guys,

I'm sure I've read the answer to this somewhere before but I can't find it despite several searches.

I have "auto-content" switched on in my file filter boxes (what a great feature by the way... I've already convinced a few friends to trial DOpus based solely on this)... anyway, can I create a button that toggles between the different filetypes in the filter box...?



You could give the content-type drop-down a hotkey (right-click and edit it in customize mode). After pushing the hotkey to give it focus you can then use the up/down arrows to cycle through the different types.

Is that what you want or something different?

[quote="leo"]You could give the content-type drop-down a hotkey (right-click and edit it in customize mode). After pushing the hotkey to give it focus you can then use the up/down arrows to cycle through the different types.

Is that what you want or something different?[/quote]

Ideally I want to single click a button or use a hotkey to toggle between the different filetypes. Your method above, unfortunately, would be no different than selecting the desired filetype with the mouse (ie. more than one click).

Thanks anyway.

You can make buttons which jump directly to a particular content type format. I don't know of a way to make a button which cycles through the formats on repeated pushes, though.

This would work fine... I only ever filter out AutoCAD, PDF or 3DS Max filetypes so three hotkeys would be bearable.

Next question... what command do I need to use...?

Oops, I was talking about the wrong thing before. I thought you meant Content Type formats, rather than filters. Both are easy though!

In case someone finds this thread looking for how to do it with the Content Type formats, this is the command:

Set CONTENTFORMAT="Documents" (where Documents is the name of the format).

If you want to make a button which shows only particular file types (i.e. filters by file extension), then the command would be something like this:

Set SHOWFILTERFILENAME="*.(dll|exe|tlb|lib)"

That will show all .dll .exe .tlb .lib files. (Example from my own config.)

You can also use the Content Type file type groups (the same ones used in Content Type formats) when filtering by filename:


As a bonus, both of the two filter buttons work as a toggle automatically. Click them again to clear the filter.

Superb!!! Thanks Leo. DOpus just gets better and better :slight_smile: