In doing a copy or move command of one or more files to a destination folder that contains some of the same files, the normal confirmation box appears asking if I would like to overwrite the destination folder's file. Unfortunately, Directory Opus 8 also provides an unhelpful and annoying smaller pop-up box called "File Function - Directory Opus" that rests inconveniently on top of the destination file's information.
To see the file information that I'm going overwrite (or not), I have to drag the small pop-up box away. It stays away for the duration of the copy or move instance, but it's back in the cover-up position again the next time you want to copy or move other files.
Also, the "Abort" button on the small pop-up box is useless--it doesn't work. If you want to cancel, you have to do so on the normal confirmation box below the pop-up.
I've attached a screen capture of the pop-up box covering up my file information ("Covered.jpg"), and another capture of the pop-up box moved away ("Moved away.jpg").
The pop-up box seems to have no function. Can it be eliminated, or done in the background? Is there a switch somewhere in the Preferences that allows me to avoid the pop-up box?
How are you launching the copy? I've seen this happen with some custom/complex buttons but never with the default/simple Copy or Move buttons. Which is it in this case?
Also, have you changed your progress dialog settings from the defaults in Preferences? (e.g. The delay before it is displayed.) If so then us know so we can try to reproduce the problem.
I'm just doing a normal right-click on the highlighted files to be copied or moved. I then select copy (or move) from the context menu, right-click on the destination folder and select paste.
That does sound familiar, but I cannot reproduce it after a few tries.
Are you on the latest version of Opus?
If so, does it still happen if you create a test directory, copy two files into it, then try to copy them into it again? That's what I've been trying and I don't see the progress dialog. Maybe I need to do something slightly different?
I'm using the latest version ( I created a temporary folder, copied three small MS Word files into it, and then copied them again into that new folder. The normal "Confirm File Replace" dialog box opens, with the annoying little "File Function-Directory Opus" pop-up covering up the top half of the dialog box, just like it always does.
So, you've never had the "File Function-Directory Opus" pop-up box appear on any file actions? I've used Directory Opus for over a year and it's always been there, on three different computers and several different versions of the program.
I guess I'll just live with it, since there doesn't seem to be a way to turn it off.
The two of you should probably validate that you are both using the same values for each of these Preference Settings:[ul][li] Preferences > File Operations > General:[ul][li]Delayed Progress Indicators[/li]
[li] Delayed Progress Indicators > Delay[/li]
[li] Show percent complete in progress bar titles[/li][/ul][/li][li] Preferences > File Operations > Copying (2):[ul][li] Count files and folders before copying (accurate progress indication when copying folders)[/li]
[li] Show progress bar speed timer when copying from or to:[ul][li] Any Location[/li]
[li] Selected Locations[ul][li] Local Drives[/li]
[li] Network and floppy drives[/li]
[li] FTP sites[/li]
[li] ZIP files[/li][/ul][/li][/ul][/li][/ul][/li][/ul] I think there are a lot of variables here which could be combined many different ways that might affect this issue.
I did see and report something like this a while ago when using Copy and Paste like you are, or maybe it was when copying via a right-click drag, but I can't reproduce it now. I've tried a bunch of different timeout settings for the progress dialog but either it doesn't open at all (beacuse the Replace dialog appeared first) or it opens but then the Replace dialog appears on top of it.
A workaround is to use the Copy File button on the toolbar to copy the selected files/folders in the source to the destination.
Have a play with the timeout setting in Prefs / File Operations / General, as well. Maybe changing that will make it work for you? It could be a race condition which only happens if other operations take a given amount of time.
It'd be great to find out what you're doing that I'm not though, unless Jon can reproduce it already himself.
In Settings/File Operations/General, I just unchecked the "Delayed progress indicators" box and it fixed it. Now, the "File Function-Directory Opus" pop-up box doesn't appear on the screen, and my confirmation dialog box is displayed unhindered. (the pop-up, though, still gets inserted in the taskbar at the bottom of the screen, so I know it's active...but it's not in the way there).
I appreciate all your help.
I'm still not sure why the program needs the "File Function-Directory Opus" pop-up in the first place. Why not just the confirmation dialog box?
Strange, though, since I have that option turned on and it works fine. What if you try a few different timeout values?
The dialog is the progress display. If an operation takes longer than the specified amount of time (800 milliseconds by default) then it pops up to let you know something is happening and how many of the files have been done. (You can also turn on a larger progress dialog which shows you the speed things are being copied at and approximately how much time is left before the operation is completed).
If the Replace dialog is triggered before the progress dialog then the progress dialog shouldn't open at all (until sometime after the Replace dialog is closed).
If the progress dialogs appears before the Replace dialog (which is what you're seeing now since you turned off the delay) then the Replace dialog should open on top of the progress dialog (which is happening).
Maybe there's a window of time where the Replace dialog is being shown and the progress dialog is also triggered and things go wrong? I couldn't make this happen on my computer though.
Well, I'm comfortable with what I've got right more annoying pop-up. I'm running XP Pro SP2, 3.4gz custom system, 2gb of matched RAM, twin 250gb hard drives plus boot drive.
Again, I appreciate all your collaboration and assistance on this. I'm very impressed with Directory Opus 8's "knowledge team." You've obviously studied this intricate program extensively. I sincerely thank you for your expertise.