File Label Color and Status Flag ? - moving DAS to new computer

I have used Directory Opus 12.21 x64 on a music server PC with USB-3 attached DAS Drobo storage. I have used the file Label Colors and Status flags on numerous folders and files in the Drobo. I am changing music server PC. How do I keep the Label and Status flags I have set?

It depends where the labels are stored, and possibly on the method you use to transfer the files from one NAS to the other.

Go to Preferences / Favorites and Recent / Label Assignments in Opus and see if it lists all the labelled files on the NAS there. If it does then you won't need to do anything, other than ensure the new NAS has the same paths as the old one.

If they aren't listed there then they're stored on the drive itself (in NTFS ADS metadata, or the NAS's equivalent if it supports and emulates the ADS feature). If that is the case, you'll need to make sure the ADS are copied when you copy from one NAS to the other. (And the new NAS will need ADS support as well.)

If Preferences / File Operations / Copy Attributes / Copy metadata (comments, keywords, etc) and Copy all NTFS data streams are turned on in Opus, Opus will copy the NTFS ADS metadata when copying things.

Actually, it is a new (music server) PC, replacing older PC, which both are connecting to the same external USB Drobo DAS (which is not upgrading).

I will check the settings as suggested.

If the client side is changing, just backup your Opus configuration on the old machine and restore it on the new one, and it should work as long as the paths are consistent.

(Settings > Backup & Restore)