File Save As

In the same way, we have the function

Go E:\ FOLDERCONTENT=nofiles,move

I would love to see something like

Go E:\ FOLDERCONTENT=nofiles,copypath

whereby the path of the folder you navigated to and clicked on is copied to clipboard, including the final \

One could then make a floating toolbar somewhere near the taskbar and create several menus of your frequently used folder (and automatically subfolder) locations, ready for pointing!

(Since your 'favourite' parent directories do not often change (but your subfolders do far more often))

could i suggest this to be VERY worthy feature request :slight_smile:

Since you will be digging into subdirectories one way or another anyway (either via the Go-FOLDERCONTENT menu or within the File Save As window), why don't you just have buttons which copy the path to your favorite foldes into the clipboard, then paste those into the dialog and dig into the subfolders from there?

That seems much simpler and just as quick & easy to use.

(Of course, you can put the favorite folders into the File Save As dialog itself for most versions of the dialog. I assume we are talking about programs which force the Win95-style dialog to be used; the one without a list or tree of paths on the left which you can edit.)

Ah not quite, I disagree. Even with the new dialog, the many subfolders I work with often change names, so I would have to frequently update the favorite folders in the dialog itself (if I wanted direct links).

However, with Go-FOLDERCONTENT, its simply a matter of 'cruising' to the right sub/subfolder after a SINGLE click on the correct parent

No 'digging in' (double clicking) OR scrolling up/down as such, plus I get a better at a glance view of my folder structure (which allows me to 'peek' in fleeting folders/gauge my working progress etc) / same spatial arrangement of items (better memory --> quicker).

Its the same reasons why most people prefer the old style windows xp start menu to the one in windows 7?

As I said before, I still think a floating toolbar locked to the taskbar with such menus would be great.

Is it possible to just have Opus Favorites be included in the left side of the Standard Save As dialogs?

I looked at this page where Leo mentions Pascal Hurni shell extension:

That brought me here:

I don't know what to do with source files. How would I install this? Does it still work with Windows 7 standard Save As dialog? Probably not.

And then I was wondering if it was possible for Opus Favorites to match Windows Explorer Favorites the same way that Opus is compatible with the new Windows 7 Libraries. The way it is now, we need to keep two sets of favorites - one for Directory Opus and one for Explorer standard Save As dialogs. Maybe the two favorites lists can't be compatible because Opus has a lot more functionality.

In which case, my first question of simply making it possible to bring the Dopus favorites into the Save As dialog left pane near Explorer Favorites would solve the problem...

Pascal's shell extension hasn't been updated in a long time, and is 32-bit only at the moment, so I wouldn't recommend it unless it gets updated.

You can make Opus show the items from the Explorer Favorites bar in a toolbar/menu via this command:

Go /profile/Links FOLDERCONTENT

And you can edit what's in that by navigating to /profile/Links and adding/removing shortcuts to folders there.

How is it possible that in all these years it never occurred to me that Windows favorites list could be edited? Someone kill me, please.
I thought it was hardcoded and not customizable like most thing in Windows are. :grin:

Thanks, Leo. Another new obvious thing I learned today. Who knows how many more of them are. I must recheck my beliefs now. :grin: